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Read the other week that the reds are slowly coming back , particularly in areas where the greys are being culled to a lower number

Can’t remember the last time I saw a red squirrel
They have fixed protection area's where they keep greys oot as they carry pox which kills reds. Plan is to expand the area's as the red population grows. Not much point in me shooting mine. Reds no where near.
How often does yer cut yer grass? Gardening man at wuk said more regular cutting makes it grow sideways instead of up. So yer get ficker grass. More shoots. Said to also help keep weeds oot. Some of my weeds are quite small so eye need to keep pulling their leefs oft to strave them. Eye was growing mine long as that was an idea on youtube to kill oft the moss due to no sunlight. It turned the bottom ov me grass to hay colour. Coming back green burrits taking some time.
How often does yer cut yer grass? Gardening man at wuk said more regular cutting makes it grow sideways instead of up. So yer get ficker grass. More shoots. Said to also help keep weeds oot. Some of my weeds are quite small so eye need to keep pulling their leefs oft to strave them. Eye was growing mine long as that was an idea on youtube to kill oft the moss due to no sunlight. It turned the bottom ov me grass to hay colour. Coming back green burrits taking some time.
Cuts mine about once a month. Every year a different problem needs sorting, this year it was a weed called Lesser Yellow Trefoil. Spent the last week on me hands n knees pulling it out, thankfully finished that yesterday. Now need to do a bit of over seeding and put some fertiliser in to cover the large sparse areas which that exercise has caused. Previous years I have raked the moss out and done the over seeding. Now I leave the moss alone - it helps keep moisture in the soil in dry spells - and its green (colour, not eco washing green). Biggest problem at the moment is weeds. Wimblowdriver Towers backs onto farmland, the field directly behind has not been farmed for a few years and is now thick with every kind of weed possible. Wind blows airborne weeds seeds and wood pigeons poop in me garden, laden with seeds they have scoffed and delivered with a splat of manure. I was thinking of getting an air gun to "control the vermin" but its not legal, and a farm track used by dog walkers at all times of the day is within range. And the w-pigeons find my grass seed appetising, despite it being coated with stuff to make it horrible for birds to eat! I think I am destined to have a crap lawn :(
How often does yer cut yer grass? Gardening man at wuk said more regular cutting makes it grow sideways instead of up. So yer get ficker grass. More shoots. Said to also help keep weeds oot. Some of my weeds are quite small so eye need to keep pulling their leefs oft to strave them. Eye was growing mine long as that was an idea on youtube to kill oft the moss due to no sunlight. It turned the bottom ov me grass to hay colour. Coming back green burrits taking some time.
Lots of moss in my lawn this year, I blame the wet weather, cant get rid of it. I got it all out a few years ago but next door used to cut his part down to a millimetre and so the moss crept across into mine, he's dead now but his moss isn't :)
Cuts mine about once a month. Every year a different problem needs sorting, this year it was a weed called Lesser Yellow Trefoil. Spent the last week on me hands n knees pulling it out, thankfully finished that yesterday. Now need to do a bit of over seeding and put some fertiliser in to cover the large sparse areas which that exercise has caused. Previous years I have raked the moss out and done the over seeding. Now I leave the moss alone - it helps keep moisture in the soil in dry spells - and its green (colour, not eco washing green). Biggest problem at the moment is weeds. Wimblowdriver Towers backs onto farmland, the field directly behind has not been farmed for a few years and is now thick with every kind of weed possible. Wind blows airborne weeds seeds and wood pigeons poop in me garden, laden with seeds they have scoffed and delivered with a splat of manure. I was thinking of getting an air gun to "control the vermin" but its not legal, and a farm track used by dog walkers at all times of the day is within range. And the w-pigeons find my grass seed appetising, despite it being coated with stuff to make it horrible for birds to eat! I think I am destined to have a crap lawn :(
Wots this over seeding. Is that adding seed to existing grass to make if ficker?
The weed factory at the rear of Wimblowdriver Towers -------

Cuts mine about once a month. Every year a different problem needs sorting, this year it was a weed called Lesser Yellow Trefoil. Spent the last week on me hands n knees pulling it out, thankfully finished that yesterday. Now need to do a bit of over seeding and put some fertiliser in to cover the large sparse areas which that exercise has caused. Previous years I have raked the moss out and done the over seeding. Now I leave the moss alone - it helps keep moisture in the soil in dry spells - and its green (colour, not eco washing green). Biggest problem at the moment is weeds. Wimblowdriver Towers backs onto farmland, the field directly behind has not been farmed for a few years and is now thick with every kind of weed possible. Wind blows airborne weeds seeds and wood pigeons poop in me garden, laden with seeds they have scoffed and delivered with a splat of manure. I was thinking of getting an air gun to "control the vermin" but its not legal, and a farm track used by dog walkers at all times of the day is within range. And the w-pigeons find my grass seed appetising, despite it being coated with stuff to make it horrible for birds to eat! I think I am destined to have a crap lawnFirst
First lesson to learn - ''you will never win!'':D
Bless u for thinking of me , there’s of course a few others who are more knowledgeable than myself, happy to help if I can

Cool, ok so D3 2.7 for sale needs an engine, or rebuild the original if its worth it. I dont know anything about them.
Need to know a rough idea how long it takes & the costs or any other work that would need doing whilst its pulled apart. :)