I would just like to say

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Consultant says she got all of the murderous little thing and all I’ve got left is one single cancer cell in one single lymph node. A little bit of chemo will sort that. Feeling kind of relieved! Thanks for all the good wishes, makes a big difference. Stay positive, folks. And if that Screening envelope drops on your mat, do it and return it as soon as you can!
Happy days and many to come 🍻🍻🍻 have one on me 👍
That hit the spot
Consultant says she got all of the murderous little thing and all I’ve got left is one single cancer cell in one single lymph node. A little bit of chemo will sort that. Feeling kind of relieved! Thanks for all the good wishes, makes a big difference. Stay positive, folks. And if that Screening envelope drops on your mat, do it and return it as soon as you can!
Do hope the chemo is all it takes.
Bit surprised she isn't going to take the lymph node out.
When W had her breast cancer they removed lymph nodes from under her arm. Still, I knows nuffink so pay no attention.
Do hope it all ends up well.
We are with you all the way.
:) 🤞
Consultant says she got all of the murderous little thing and all I’ve got left is one single cancer cell in one single lymph node. A little bit of chemo will sort that. Feeling kind of relieved! Thanks for all the good wishes, makes a big difference. Stay positive, folks. And if that Screening envelope drops on your mat, do it and return it as soon as you can!
Great news! Hopefully they can target that remaining little blighter without knocking you for six.
Best wishes for your continuing recovery. :D
Just studied my divorce letter
Looking like straight to court and no negotiations
Letter says "we have submitted a petition for Divorce to the court " so have no choice but to engage legal eagles
Could always say I haven't received it :)
Nobody can force ANYBODY to use a lawyer. I have always represented myself and won every case.
But you do need to be properly prepared you need to ask the court to supply you with all the other side's paperwork.
"full disclosure" it is called.
The first thing they should send you is a copy of the petition and you can go flipping mad if they don't supply with prompt and full paperwork.
Watch out for court offices, they can and do make mistakes, lose bits of paper etc. Ask me how I know!
And do not under estimate the power of the sub poena. If a person does not respond to it they are in contempt of court which is a criminal offence. It can be used to get both evidence and people into court. I have used it, it works extremely well and shows the other side that you mean business.
Seriously, the very best of luck and do not hesitate to ask for advice I am sure I am not the only one on here with experience of the legal system.
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Yeah, that technology stuff you hate is really awful isn't it Mr. Luddite? 🤣
Dan would you mind awfully popping back to your reply i.e. this and removing the pic of my place. Not good for security I have been reminded. I have removed it from the original but of course cannot do so for any replies.
Ta in advance
Its a good thing in the right hands ;).
That's a lot of land, have you restricted the amount of orses/animals? That could take 2-3 easy, then they would want a shelter.
Access ?

Hi Marjon, would you mind awfully popping back to your reply, i.e the one I am replying to now and deleting the pic, for security purposes? I have removed it from the original but cannot do it for those who use it in a reply.
Nobody can force ANYBODY to use a lawyer. I have always represented myself and won every case.
But you do need to be properly prepared you need to ask the court to supply you with all the other side's paperwork.
"full disclosure" it is called.
The first thing they should send you is a copy of the petition and you can go flipping mad if they don't supply with prompt and full paperwork.
Watch out for court offices, they can and do make mistakes, lose bits of paper etc. Ask me how I know!
And do not under estimate the power of the sub poena. If a person does not respond to it they are in contempt of court which is a criminal offence. It can be used to get both evidence and people into court. I have used it, it works extremely well and shows the other side that you mean business.
Seriously, the very best of luck and do not hesitate to ask for advice I am sure I am not the only one on here with experience of the legal system.
@landowner do go back to this post, I've edited it a bit since I wrote it, had to rush to to dins. So there is more info you might need.
Hi Marjon, would you mind awfully popping back to your reply, i.e the one I am replying to now and deleting the pic, for security purposes? I have removed it from the original but cannot do it for those who use it in a reply.
Doesn’t show in my post anymore, as you have removed the attachment, from what I see. Nor Dans.
Techs great init :p
