Luckily we don't have orses in our paddock anymore/at this time, But I did have to fit an extra catch to the gate as they used to rub against it and it would open ( it was the gate that the food came through

), the ****land got in once and was walking around the pool munching the lush grass.
Don't actually think they would go in voluntarily, never had a cat in it they just sit on the edge and lap the water, dog used to run up and down if we were in it swimming. He learnt early he couldn't run on water when we first got him

His first time here when M collected him and she let him into the back garden, the summer cover was on and he didn't know what a pool was. He ran across the cover

but got across it till he got to the edge on the other side and his back end dipped in the water, he scrambled out, but never went near it again
