I would just like to say

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also I’m afraid never heard of Tudor , but look extremely nice , my favourites are the chronographs watches

These are the 7 x watches I’ve got over the last 40 x years , few of them my parents got for me and my late wife so very sentimental, reminds me I need to get new batteries as not sure how the backs come off unless u can get special tools

Would also be brilliant if others would be so kind to share what watches they’ve got plse
Some nice ones there.
After quite a while of playing with watches I no longer keep anything quartz. Yep, they tell the time very well and run for quite a while on a batt, and I have the tools to take the backs off and replace them. But the problem is that when a batt runds out I find it so hard to BA to actually get around to doing it. So I now look out, at auctions, for automatics and wind ups, although the wind ups are often not in a very good state.
If you want to play around the tools are not expensive and they take up very little room. But it is annoying that there are so many varieties of batts.
I too love chronographs. For our wedding my wife bought me a superb 12 hour chronograph, much rarer than others that really only do up to an hour. But it is now sitting in a drawer waiting for me to get around to getting it a new batt!
I have only bought 3 watches with me otherwise I'd put some pics up.
Well today was different!
I have to draw up a contract for this loan of land for the neighbour with the hoss.
Part of it obvs is a description of the land and that was the problem. It is an odd shape basically triangular on tow sides but irregular down the other side. I started off by going out with my PHONE, yes you read that right, to see if I could use the compass app, to take bearings so I could make a map of it.
What a flipping waste of time that was, it was SO inaccurate and wouldn't even replicate itself.
I have the surveyor's plan of the house in the land and that, obvs, is accurate, but it doesn't show the boundary where we fenced it off.
It is covered in weeds my height and particularly brambles, so I was avoiding trying to measure it physically, especially as having no working compass I couldn't measure angles, except by flipping around with bits of wood and nails etc.
So I went back in the house after spending an hour and a half hacking through undergrowth etc to even be able to make contact with the blamed fence to take some measurements off it to relate to other stuff which sadly isn't on the plan either.
In the end I had a genius moment, I went to look on Google earth just to get an idea of the shape of the fence when, lo and behold I found you could click on points around an area and it would give you perimeter measurements and surface area.
WOWWWWWWWWW!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
So it did the job for me! With a bit of fiddling around I was able to print pics off with the boundary etc marked on it.
So I now know that of our 6000 sq metres, we only use a fraction over half of it! Which was not a shock but deffo makes you think.
So then I spent the rest of the day drawing up the contract using a couple of sources to ensure I included everything it needed to make sure it is fair to both us and them and we can't get legally stuck in anyway. That was quite satisfying. Not often nowadays I have to type a lot of stuff in French!
So by the end of the day my back ached simply from sitting at a table drawing plans and typing on the lappy!
Still, job more or less done, just have to get blokey to OK it. He told me last week that I could do it all and he'd sign it, so he trusts me, or he is desperate.
Should meet his daughter the horse's owner this week as she is down staying with them. Did I mention she is a vet?
Anyway, onwards and upwards!
Here's a copy of what I mean.

Fun, ain't it!!
Sleep well folks!
Edited to remove stuff which could be used to locate my place.
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Nice collection you have, you can buy kits with small adjustable shifting spanner type things also some of the back covers
you can unscrew by using a lump of blue tac/plasterscene or modelling clay. :)

Many thks , will see what I can find online as wondered that if some of them unscrewed , must confess don’t wear a watch every day as always have my phone when I go out so don’t bother

Plus prefer to wear one my right hand wrist even though I’m R handed

Thks again , do have a cheap microscope that I can use via my laptop

Is this the kind of thing plse , thks

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Been looking for another clean disco, there is some overpriced junk out there some look nice n polished with the underside
plastered in black waxy stuff to cover up the rust, couple with recent galvi chassis if 10 years ago was recent lol
Some with all the off road extras look maybe half decent but still need money spent on them to be nice again probably why
they are for sale. Regretting selling my D1 now as the only reason I sold it was it wasnt big enough for 3 dogs as the older
one didnt take to the pups so couldnt separate them. :( If anyone comes across a decent D1 send me a link, ive seen a few
imports but 8-12k. :oops::oops:
A rust free disco. If yer find one swop it for some magic beans.
I used to be able to email them to anyone from me phone, but can't now. Infuriating. and not my fault, I haven't done anything wrong it is just the tech people who run tech stuff change things to make you buy more of their tat.
And this is why I hate tech so much, you are their victim not their customer.
As soon as I buy a new one I just know that they'll change stuff to stop it doing what it did when I bought it.
Which is why I'll buy it cheap and save the dosh for when I next need to buy one.
I'd miss all the brill functions on my DSLR if I stopped using it. You can't change lenses on a phone.
Connect it to yer phooter wiv a cable and transfer the files over.
Well today was different!
I have to draw up a contract for this loan of land for the neighbour with the hoss.
Part of it obvs is a description of the land and that was the problem. It is an odd shape basically triangular on tow sides but irregular down the other side. I started off by going out with my PHONE, yes you read that right, to see if I could use the compass app, to take bearings so I could make a map of it.
What a flipping waste of time that was, it was SO inaccurate and wouldn't even replicate itself.
I have the surveyor's plan of the house in the land and that, obvs, is accurate, but it doesn't show the boundary where we fenced it off.
It is covered in weeds my height and particularly brambles, so I was avoiding trying to measure it physically, especially as having no working compass I couldn't measure angles, except by flipping around with bits of wood and nails etc.
So I went back in the house after spending an hour and a half hacking through undergrowth etc to even be able to make contact with the blamed fence to take some measurements off it to relate to other stuff which sadly isn't on the plan either.
In the end I had a genius moment, I went to look on Google earth just to get an idea of the shape of the fence when, lo and behold I found you could click on points around an area and it would give you perimeter measurements and surface area.
WOWWWWWWWWW!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
So it did the job for me! With a bit of fiddling around I was able to print pics off with the boundary etc marked on it.
So I now know that of our 6000 sq metres, we only use a fraction over half of it! Which was not a shock but deffo makes you think.
So then I spent the rest of the day drawing up the contract using a couple of sources to ensure I included everything it needed to make sure it is fair to both us and them and we can't get legally stuck in anyway. That was quite satisfying. Not often nowadays I have to type a lot of stuff in French!
So by the end of the day my back ached simply from sitting at a table drawing plans and typing on the lappy!
Still, job more or less done, just have to get blokey to OK it. He told me last week that I could do it all and he'd sign it, so he trusts me, or he is desperate.
Should meet his daughter the horse's owner this week as she is down staying with them. Did I mention she is a vet?
Anyway, onwards and upwards!
Here's a copy of what I mean.
View attachment 319532

Fun, ain't it!!
Sleep well folks!
Yeah, that technology stuff you hate is really awful isn't it Mr. Luddite? 🤣