I would just like to say

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Sorry for such a late reply, but here goes.
Probably more info than is appropriate but what @derwendolly says about non-foods is the crux of the matter for me.
First time I lost a whole load of weight and dropped from 15-7 to 12-7 I was eating as I am now, but not drinking alcohol at all.
I have had an issue with Mr. Al-K-Hool for a very, very long time (>20 years).
I was so proud of myself for getting things sorted.... and then Covid and lockdown. :(
Foolishly, I was back on the sauce faster than you can say knife. Alcohol is an insidious pathway drug.
Don't misunderstand, I have never woken up and started drinking first thing, it has always been evening drinking for me, but I have had no "off" switch, and 4-6 empty litre Vodka bottles could be found in my glass recycling every fortnight for years and years. Clearly this was getting out of hand and I was in trouble.
Now 1 Litre of Vodka = >2,000 Calories, so every bottle per week is the same as eating an extra days food.
A few weeks ago I was chatting online to my eldest and he remarked that he and his wife enjoyed a cocktail every night but in order to limit their alcohol consumption they swapped real booze (Gin) for a 0% alcohol alternative.
BINGO! Lightbulb moment for me.
I have switched Mon..Thurs to having Zero Alcohol (and zero calories) Gin & Tonic and only drink real booze Friday..Sunday.
Funny thing is, I don't actually miss the real booze, and indeed even of "Drink Days" I now sometimes only have 2 real drinks and then switch back to the non-alcohol variety.
This week as a "for instance" the fortnightly Glass collection crate had only a single 1L vodka bottle in it.
That's down from 4..6 before, so a big difference.
Early days, but taking it one day at a time and I am pleased to have got it under some semblance of control again.
Well done and good for you.
We did the big shop last Thursdi and forgot to look for non-alcohol versions. :rolleyes:
Really must remember to look for these, have no idea how much the Frogs are into it.
I would hate to actually count our weekly bottle count. But it would be at least 7 wine bots. A few of beer, and every two weeks of so one of either whisky or gin, or brandy.
We never ever drink for effect, only because we like the taste, and TBH if alcohol free ever got to the point of tasting as good as non-alcohol we'd drink it.
I have tried non-alcohol French beer and it was awful.
Well done and good for you.
We did the big shop last Thursdi and forgot to look for non-alcohol versions. :rolleyes:
Really must remember to look for these, have no idea how much the Frogs are into it.
I would hate to actually count our weekly bottle count. But it would be at least 7 wine bots. A few of beer, and every two weeks of so one of either whisky or gin, or brandy.
We never ever drink for effect, only because we like the taste, and TBH if alcohol free ever got to the point of tasting as good as non-alcohol we'd drink it.
I have tried non-alcohol French beer and it was awful.
As far as I can tell THIS tastes exactly the same as the full-fat variety.
Well done and good for you.
We did the big shop last Thursdi and forgot to look for non-alcohol versions. :rolleyes:
Really must remember to look for these, have no idea how much the Frogs are into it.
I would hate to actually count our weekly bottle count. But it would be at least 7 wine bots. A few of beer, and every two weeks of so one of either whisky or gin, or brandy.
We never ever drink for effect, only because we like the taste, and TBH if alcohol free ever got to the point of tasting as good as non-alcohol we'd drink it.
I have tried non-alcohol French beer and it was awful.

If you can get it adnams and st peters brewery do great alcohol free.

No, I am just commenting on my perception of it.
No drinks till c. 5PM
Links to the alc free.

Interestingly I was opposite of in COVID.

With the job I did then could easily drink 3 gins a night but as I was busy sewing masks most of the days I didn't drink because tipsy and sewing machines are a no no.
I did see an alcohol free gin that was as much as alcohol :(
Me big squirrel were on me fence smornin. Hanging around ferrabit looking at me avvin me breakfust int kitchen. Eye opened the top window and dropped a nut oot. Few mins later he climbed down un found it. Then run oft.

Just heard him climb down said fence so eye gorrup and dropped a nut oot. He din't run when the window openned or when the nut hit me slabs. He turned round and went to look ferrit. Gorrit then climbed said fence and went oft. Small steps. Eye is hoping he is realising eye is providing food ferrim.
Me big squirrel were on me fence smornin. Hanging around ferrabit looking at me avvin me breakfust int kitchen. Eye opened the top window and dropped a nut oot. Few mins later he climbed down un found it. Then run oft.

Just heard him climb down said fence so eye gorrup and dropped a nut oot. He din't run when the window openned or when the nut hit me slabs. He turned round and went to look ferrit. Gorrit then climbed said fence and went oft. Small steps. Eye is hoping he is realising eye is providing food ferrim.

Dunt leave the windy open or he'll in yer nuts afor you notice ...
Sorry for such a late reply, but here goes.
Probably more info than is appropriate but what @derwendolly says about non-foods is the crux of the matter for me.
First time I lost a whole load of weight and dropped from 15-7 to 12-7 I was eating as I am now, but not drinking alcohol at all.
I have had an issue with Mr. Al-K-Hool for a very, very long time (>20 years).
I was so proud of myself for getting things sorted.... and then Covid and lockdown. :(
Foolishly, I was back on the sauce faster than you can say knife. Alcohol is an insidious pathway drug.
Don't misunderstand, I have never woken up and started drinking first thing, it has always been evening drinking for me, but I have had no "off" switch, and 4-6 empty litre Vodka bottles could be found in my glass recycling every fortnight for years and years. Clearly this was getting out of hand and I was in trouble.
Now 1 Litre of Vodka = >2,000 Calories, so every bottle per week is the same as eating an extra days food.
A few weeks ago I was chatting online to my eldest and he remarked that he and his wife enjoyed a cocktail every night but in order to limit their alcohol consumption they swapped real booze (Gin) for a 0% alcohol alternative.
BINGO! Lightbulb moment for me.
I have switched Mon..Thurs to having Zero Alcohol (and zero calories) Gin & Tonic and only drink real booze Friday..Sunday.
Funny thing is, I don't actually miss the real booze, and indeed even of "Drink Days" I now sometimes only have 2 real drinks and then switch back to the non-alcohol variety.
This week as a "for instance" the fortnightly Glass collection crate had only a single 1L vodka bottle in it.
That's down from 4..6 before, so a big difference.
Early days, but taking it one day at a time and I am pleased to have got it under some semblance of control again.

I know someone who has major problems with drink, so much so he's in hospital every few months in fact he's in there
now. Liver disease, bleeding from his bum/nose coughing up blood. Had 12 veins tied in his stomach. Not to mention
his other injury's from taking fits & falling, broken back, stitches in his face replacement shoulder. Poor lad he's not even 40
Not sure how long he has left but he just wont stop & he is nasty to everyone when hes on the drink tbh Ive been so close
to putting him out his misery cause im sick of it. He just wont help himself I cant figure it out. He's been told if he continues he will die, ive saved his life twice this year.

Im so glad your taking steps to beat it. Your never alone a wee pm if you need a friend to chat to. ;)
Well done and good for you.
We did the big shop last Thursdi and forgot to look for non-alcohol versions. :rolleyes:
Really must remember to look for these, have no idea how much the Frogs are into it.
I would hate to actually count our weekly bottle count. But it would be at least 7 wine bots. A few of beer, and every two weeks of so one of either whisky or gin, or brandy.
We never ever drink for effect, only because we like the taste, and TBH if alcohol free ever got to the point of tasting as good as non-alcohol we'd drink it.
I have tried non-alcohol French beer and it was awful.

Everything French is awful apart from F-toast. 🤣 🤣
I know someone who has major problems with drink, so much so he's in hospital every few months in fact he's in there
now. Liver disease, bleeding from his bum/nose coughing up blood. Had 12 veins tied in his stomach. Not to mention
his other injury's from taking fits & falling, broken back, stitches in his face replacement shoulder. Poor lad he's not even 40
Not sure how long he has left but he just wont stop & he is nasty to everyone when hes on the drink tbh Ive been so close
to putting him out his misery cause im sick of it. He just wont help himself I cant figure it out. He's been told if he continues he will die, ive saved his life twice this year.

Im so glad your taking steps to beat it. Your never alone a wee pm if you need a friend to chat to. ;)
Thanks mate, everyone's help and kindness is much appreciated.
As I claim, I'm not yet (nor have I ever been) so dependent on alcohol that it needs to be my "wake-up" drink.
For this reason I would maintain that I am not yet (nor do I ever want to be) an alcoholic, I just have a problem with alcohol in that my "off" switch needs repair. So the best thing is not to start (I know), but a lifetime of imbibing is a hard habit to break.
The new "alcohol free" drinking is really helpful and I am pleased to have found this as an alternative.
I am sleeping better, I feel better and I am sure I am better for it. :D
If you can get it adnams and st peters brewery do great alcohol free.

Links to the alc free.

Interestingly I was opposite of in COVID.

With the job I did then could easily drink 3 gins a night but as I was busy sewing masks most of the days I didn't drink because tipsy and sewing machines are a no no.
I did see an alcohol free gin that was as much as alcohol :(
And yes, the price of them is a joke. They'd sell a ton more if they weren't so expensive.
And now..... much of the price on alcohol is duty..... so if they are charging as much as if it was 40 degs proof you KNOW that you are getting ripped off.
How stoopid do they think we are?
and don't give me all the "Ah but man it is so much more expensive to make" bulls droppings.
If you can get it adnams and st peters brewery do great alcohol free. Not in Frogland I doubt!

Links to the alc free. Ta

Interestingly I was opposite of in COVID.

With the job I did then could easily drink 3 gins a night but as I was busy sewing masks most of the days I didn't drink because tipsy and sewing machines are a no no.
I did see an alcohol free gin that was as much as alcohol :(see other comment