I would just like to say

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Mornin :)
Bright start but looks and feels like rain
Big tidy up of me living room today and cleaning all round :)
Wishing I'd dome some painting yesterday, forecast not good for next week :(
Next door being emptied after neighbour died, hoping new folk are decent 🤔
Stay busy all :)
Oh dear @DevonGuy I see Gratch is being his normal horrible self.
One of two or three major idiots on the forum. :(:(:(
If you look back you'll see I gave him a mouthful, if he has any feelings at all he might be feeling justa wee bit ashamed, but TBH, I doubt it.
Yes, thanks for that. There’s loads of people about who don’t have the courage to attack others in real life (if they have one) and so come on here to have a go at those who aren’t at their best. I’ve got more to worry about than people like that and can easily avoid him by not going to the thread which he’s clearly decided to police.
Yes, thanks for that. There’s loads of people about who don’t have the courage to attack others in real life (if they have one) and so come on here to have a go at those who aren’t at their best. I’ve got more to worry about than people like that and can easily avoid him by not going to the thread which he’s clearly decided to police.
He is one of several I have on "ignore", but I opened him up again just to see how horrible he was being. He is back on ignore now.
No need for you to avoid threads you enjoy just cos of the gets on the forum. The ignore button is a good one!
Morning, walked and went to local farm shop they have pigs to visit and got to say hello to them. Farmer said they are away to market soon and I may be getting some meat from them. :) back in and I may have cheated and bought some strawberries too as I wanted to make jam but every time I do gardening my stock gets eated 😐

Stan yours look fab.
Morning, walked and went to local farm shop they have pigs to visit and got to say hello to them. Farmer said they are away to market soon and I may be getting some meat from them. :) back in and I may have cheated and bought some strawberries too as I wanted to make jam but every time I do gardening my stock gets eated 😐

Stan yours look fab.
Bet you say that to all the boys!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
I'll pass the complimong on to W!
After flipping around on my mobile to see if it is 4G compatible for when 3G gets switched off, I have worked out it IS, but it ISN't cos it hasn't got "4G Calling".
Grrrrrrrrrrr! so my fairly new phone to me, which I am only just getting used to, (not saying "like" mind) will be U/S soon and I'll have to prise dosh out of my pocketbook (?) to get annuva one, which'll probably be U/S in the coming years!!!
Double Grrrrrr!!!
So, just controlling myself and not throwing it under a bus!!
Hope all yours are OK.
Tempted now to stick my Tesco mobile PAYG chip in it to see what happens. Not that I know ANYTHING about all this, as you all well know!
Still I'll have time to go into Tesco and be bamboozled by some spotty youff before it all goes up the Swannee, or is it down?
You see? I don't know which way up I'm facing.
Wot make un model issit?
Really feel for you.
Seeing as how Thursdi I spent most of the day either humping the heavy 3 wheeled weed-whacker into some very awkward corners or doing the same with the strimmer.
Sat down for a bit and couild barely stand up. Right hand side stiff as a board.
Went shopping yessdi but had to unload two 25 kilo bags of salt out of the very bottom of the Pluriel's boot, so over the flat bit that folds down from the back of her "quirky" little car. The plastic is so hard to get hold of I had to make a sliding thing to slide them up. We have sworn to never use the blasted car again for stuff like this.
So that was that then off to push a huge trollel all over the place.
So, still stiff this morning and not able to walk like anything other than an old person today, little steps bent over.
I REALLY hate getting old!
And unlike you , I am NOT losing weight, had to buy a belt, it says "L" on it and it only just fits.
I have discovered that when you get fat you get to a point where your belt, no matter how tight you tighten it, still won't maintain your trowsis above your hips. Never had this before in my life.
I wouldn't mind if I ate rubbish, sweet stuff, chips etc, but I flippin don't!

Rant over!
Have a nice day folks and watch yourself Dan me old mate!
Sorry for such a late reply, but here goes.
Probably more info than is appropriate but what @derwendolly says about non-foods is the crux of the matter for me.
First time I lost a whole load of weight and dropped from 15-7 to 12-7 I was eating as I am now, but not drinking alcohol at all.
I have had an issue with Mr. Al-K-Hool for a very, very long time (>20 years).
I was so proud of myself for getting things sorted.... and then Covid and lockdown. :(
Foolishly, I was back on the sauce faster than you can say knife. Alcohol is an insidious pathway drug.
Don't misunderstand, I have never woken up and started drinking first thing, it has always been evening drinking for me, but I have had no "off" switch, and 4-6 empty litre Vodka bottles could be found in my glass recycling every fortnight for years and years. Clearly this was getting out of hand and I was in trouble.
Now 1 Litre of Vodka = >2,000 Calories, so every bottle per week is the same as eating an extra days food.
A few weeks ago I was chatting online to my eldest and he remarked that he and his wife enjoyed a cocktail every night but in order to limit their alcohol consumption they swapped real booze (Gin) for a 0% alcohol alternative.
BINGO! Lightbulb moment for me.
I have switched Mon..Thurs to having Zero Alcohol (and zero calories) Gin & Tonic and only drink real booze Friday..Sunday.
Funny thing is, I don't actually miss the real booze, and indeed even of "Drink Days" I now sometimes only have 2 real drinks and then switch back to the non-alcohol variety.
This week as a "for instance" the fortnightly Glass collection crate had only a single 1L vodka bottle in it.
That's down from 4..6 before, so a big difference.
Early days, but taking it one day at a time and I am pleased to have got it under some semblance of control again.
Sorry for such a late reply, but here goes.
Probably more info than is appropriate but what @derwendolly says about non-foods is the crux of the matter for me.
First time I lost a whole load of weight and dropped from 15-7 to 12-7 I was eating as I am now, but not drinking alcohol at all.
I have had an issue with Mr. Al-K-Hool for a very, very long time (>20 years).
I was so proud of myself for getting things sorted.... and then Covid and lockdown. :(
Foolishly, I was back on the sauce faster than you can say knife. Alcohol is an insidious pathway drug.
Don't misunderstand, I have never woken up and started drinking first thing, it has always been evening drinking for me, but I have had no "off" switch, and 4-6 empty litre Vodka bottles could be found in my glass recycling every fortnight for years and years. Clearly this was getting out of hand and I was in trouble.
Now 1 Litre of Vodka = >2,000 Calories, so every bottle per week is the same as eating an extra days food.
A few weeks ago I was chatting online to my eldest and he remarked that he and his wife enjoyed a cocktail every night but in order to limit their alcohol consumption they swapped real booze (Gin) for a 0% alcohol alternative.
BINGO! Lightbulb moment for me.
I have switched Mon..Thurs to having Zero Alcohol (and zero calories) Gin & Tonic and only drink real booze Friday..Sunday.
Funny thing is, I don't actually miss the real booze, and indeed even of "Drink Days" I now sometimes only have 2 real drinks and then switch back to the non-alcohol variety.
This week as a "for instance" the fortnightly Glass collection crate had only a single 1L vodka bottle in it.
That's down from 4..6 before, so a big difference.
Early days, but taking it one day at a time and I am pleased to have got it under some semblance of control again.

Acknowledging the problem is a good step forward ...