I would just like to say

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After flipping around on my mobile to see if it is 4G compatible for when 3G gets switched off, I have worked out it IS, but it ISN't cos it hasn't got "4G Calling".
Grrrrrrrrrrr! so my fairly new phone to me, which I am only just getting used to, (not saying "like" mind) will be U/S soon and I'll have to prise dosh out of my pocketbook (?) to get annuva one, which'll probably be U/S in the coming years!!!
Double Grrrrrr!!!
So, just controlling myself and not throwing it under a bus!!
Hope all yours are OK.
Tempted now to stick my Tesco mobile PAYG chip in it to see what happens. Not that I know ANYTHING about all this, as you all well know!
Still I'll have time to go into Tesco and be bamboozled by some spotty youff before it all goes up the Swannee, or is it down?
You see? I don't know which way up I'm facing.

Sim card lad its a sim card 🤣🤣 chips..............

So if you & your neebs were frienz yous could help each other out & make as much noise as yous wanted.

Instead yous hate each other 🤣🤣
Not quite, she has talked to me since the biz, as if nothing had happened inquiring about W etc. and I have been polite but terse.
He is avoiding me, or not, who knows!
Story of better to have the camel in the tent &£$%ing out, if you know what I mean.
This for @WhiskyLassie.

Re the baby strawbs.

From our land with a couple of normal sized ones for comparison, also from our land.
This is where they are growing.

so that is a metre by a metre.
Bit of a story to it.
I mentioned the Elsantas to W this morning and she told me where ours came from.
One day when I was still before retirement and she came over here before I did every summer, she had found some wild strawberry plants at the top of our road, near the church.
You are allowed to pick wild flowers etc in France, so she did. She planted them and more or less forgot about them, but they took off and kept self-seeding so last year she made up this bed and put them in, they did brill last year and this year they have gone totally bonkers.
Really nice flavour but ever so small!
who r U getting to do that for you? :eek::eek::eek:

Got my bricky mate to do it, his dad owns a tractor & has a big pan mixer for the back of it.
He's dropped off his mini digger earlier, I have a couple of mates to come help too so I will get the misses to make
lunch for all involved, I might fire up the BBQ too if the weather holds up. My wee bro has covid & my best mate is
in Turkey getting noo teef so they are a no show. Everyone gathers at mine for car stuff so all are welcome to come
& tinker with there motors n use my tools. :):) My neebs luv me also 🤣🤣🤣
Got a bottle of Aberfeldy 12 year old single malt to sooth my throat. :D:D
Waste of good malt as a braw fisherman from Anstruther once told me, in the middle of a fishing gala where they were all ****ed as newts,
"Hae a malt fust, then kerry on drunkun the ornery whisky, yer taiste buds will be too stunned fae the fust one to be able tu tell thu deefrence!"

Or carry on with rum!!!!!🤣🤣🤣

EDIT, there were three of us on the boat and that night we weren't allowed to buy a drink in any pub. And peeps say the Scots aren't generous. Great night!
On getting back to the boat the tide had gone right out so the boat was deep down in the harbour, so I decided to climb down a pile of fishboxes on the neighbouring fishing boat. WHAT a flipping noise as they all fell over! I wasn't hurt, or if i was I couldn't feel it! But my head,the morn after!!
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You said she was a model not a quazzy model 🤣🤣
Who said she was a model?
She might have made a modle for the Titanic! But TBH that was better looking and I'd rather have sailed in her!!🤣🤣
And flip you as now I'll hae ti consoolt mi wee scottish dictinary re "quazzy".
Not even sure ye didnae meck it oop!

EDIT "quazzy model" "Quasimodo" OK get it!
Nope she sure don't ring no bells wi me!!
Got a bottle of Aberfeldy 12 year old single malt to sooth my throat. :D:D
Gargle with a soluble aspirin in a bit o watter.
Far better.

(From the Matron of St Paul's school where the choirboys had to be able to sing even with sore throats.)
Now DON'T get tempted to shower me with choir boy jokes!!!

And no I didn't go there.

But it does help!