So, the Vent D'Autun is blowing it's guts out. Gusts are knocking all sorts of things over.
It isn't quite a cold as it has been but it has been raining on and off a lot. More is expected every day over the enxt 10 days.

Just taken delivery of the new heating element for the dishwasher, so that'll be yet another voyage of discovery.
Also spent a ridiculous amount of time with old thermostats and the new one, trying to figure out how to wire it in.
The old ones, I have discovered, connect to 3 wires, positve or "phase" neutral and load, The fourth "pilote" wire is u/s as I think it is supposed to be conencted to some sort of centralsie controller which was never fitted.
The new one tells you to only connect the positive and the neutral. ???
So I used a meter to try and work out what would happen when the thermostat clicked from "off" to "on" and back.
That made no sense at all. When I turned the knob to "asking for power" it broke the connection and when I did the opposite it turned it on. It also has a third connection which I think could be connected to "load". I did all this at the dining room table going nowhere near connecting it to actual power. Just using the ohm meter.
I went back to an old working one and got it going, hanging off the wall, so I could test the voltages both in the "on" position, i.e. with the stat asking for connection to the heating coil, and "off". Purely by turning the stat knob. It is connected positive to positive, neutral to neutral and the third wire to "load".
Here I seemed to find that "load" was triggered from the neutral. I am sure this all makes sense to peeps like
@gstuart but it beggars me.
In fact on the new one, if I reversed the Phase and the neutral teminals and ran the third wire to the other connection (which I think is "load"), it looks like it may work, but I am unwilling to do so until I am much surer I am right. At least the things are on RCBs and the stat only works a relay and doesn't take the heating element's power.
all good fun.
Well not much.
Have a nice Satdi folks!