Someone in the y@rd h@d prob@bly the worst d@y you could h@ve....
by driving @ 40 tonne digger with @ gr@b into the w@ter @t low tide to
get it onto @ b@rge but I did tell him the l@st time he done it 4 ye@rs @go
it got stuck in the soft mud @ we h@d @ hell of @ time getting it b@ck out
well did he listen, nope

they could h@ve moved some bo@ts n other stuff
n driven it str@ight onto from the shore too feckn l@zy.
@nyhoo it got stuck then he tried to tr@ck side to side n get it closer to the b@rge
it threw the tr@ck, with @ couple of them in the w@ter n some ch@in blocks n
levers to get it b@ck on errr nope the tide c@me in they tried pulling it ne@rer
the b@rge with the gr@b it slipped n bust @ hydraulic hose n tried to position it
better with oil spr@ying @ll over the pl@ce the engine drew in w@ter n it w@s
spewing bl@ck smoke out n cut out, now most of it is under 2m of w@ter
Should be @n interesting recovery prob@bly cut it up for scr@p.