I would just like to say

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I h@d @ fecked b@ck ye@rs @go @fter my misses cr@shed my d@ds borrowed motor....
@ feckn deer bounced out on bend doing sixty she hit the br@kes n I felt the re@r of
the motor st@rting to let go so i gr@bed the wheel @ steered into it then it bit... @n went
the opposite direction feck i j@gged the h@nd br@ke n m@n@ged to opposite lock it
it spun 180 degrees n stopped :cool::) then @ motor coming the other w@y hit @nother deer
lost it completely @ ploughed into us :( i seen it coming @n le@ned over n to hold her in the
se@t before the imp@ct then b@ng our c@r ended up on its side in the ditch, i kicked the
window out @ got her out then seen the other driver w@ndering @bout in @ tr@nce in the middle
of the ro@d his @rm sm@shed to bits o_O got him s@t down m@de him @ sling out of some r@gs
c@lled the popo n @mbul@nce, c@lled my m@te to recover the c@r feck the other one lol
Next d@y i couldnt get out of bed my b@ck w@s done, months of physio n @cupuncture which
m@de me sick :confused:

My b@ck got better @fter buying @ w@ter bed recommended by @ l@dy in @ bedding shop
@fter her husb@nd h@d @ b@ck injury. :) tis nice n w@rm/soothing :D
Sounds like something out of a Death Race film.
Glad you both got out of it alive.
NOW i understand why your missus doesn't like driving on ornery roads at night!
Morning All. :D
Its OK here, just cool & blustery. :)
I have redecorated my hall, kitchen and utility floors withthe cat pooh that the cat left at the bottom of the stairs on the mottled rug (camouflage). :(
I've cleaned most of it up, but will have to properly vacuum & mop the floors later. :(
Have a good day. :D
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Heavy rain and strong gusts of wind throughout the night and so it continues.:(

We are without rain at the moment, but the strong gusts have arrived, as the bin men are late for their rounds due to the bank holiday, many of the local garden daleks are getting together by the alleyway entrance ...

Edited to Add; rain arrived around 09:00
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Morning All. :D
Its OK here, just cool & blustery. :)
I have redecorated my hall, kitchen and utility floors withthe cat $hit that the cat left at the bottom of the stairs on the mottled rug (camouflage). :(
I've cleaned most of it up, but will have to properly vacuum & mop the floors later. :(
Have a good day. :D

Cat poop is seriously the most disgusting stuff i have ever encountered.
Imagine if you had been barefoot!
Chapeau, mon brave :)
The oil man came and the bill has landed - 0.87 + 0.04 vat = 0.91p to pay. Tha's ma kinda bill! :)

The total bill was for 1109 litres of heating oil @ 0.8675p plus 0.04p vat = 0.87 per litre BUT it seems that the monthly credit I had built up since the last re-fill almost paid the entire bill.

That's a relief! :):):)
Wow we paid 76 last week.... Funny we had the same with one supplier for 2 years they said you pay for a full tank and we refund the remaining if it isnt needed. In the third year a new chap I spoke to said, "do you know you have an £600 credit on your account" turns out they dont refund it automatically you have to ring and give card details each time.......