I h@d @ fecked b@ck ye@rs @go @fter my misses cr@shed my d@ds borrowed motor....
@ feckn deer bounced out on bend doing sixty she hit the br@kes n I felt the re@r of
the motor st@rting to let go so i gr@bed the wheel @ steered into it then it bit... @n went
the opposite direction feck i j@gged the h@nd br@ke n m@n@ged to opposite lock it
it spun 180 degrees n stopped

then @ motor coming the other w@y hit @nother deer
lost it completely @ ploughed into us

i seen it coming @n le@ned over n to hold her in the
se@t before the imp@ct then b@ng our c@r ended up on its side in the ditch, i kicked the
window out @ got her out then seen the other driver w@ndering @bout in @ tr@nce in the middle
of the ro@d his @rm sm@shed to bits

got him s@t down m@de him @ sling out of some r@gs
c@lled the popo n @mbul@nce, c@lled my m@te to recover the c@r feck the other one lol
Next d@y i couldnt get out of bed my b@ck w@s done, months of physio n @cupuncture which
m@de me sick
My b@ck got better @fter buying @ w@ter bed recommended by @ l@dy in @ bedding shop
@fter her husb@nd h@d @ b@ck injury.

tis nice n w@rm/soothing