I would just like to say

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Herself's Biffday has been pretty-much OK. :)
Both local son's and g-kids visited and remote son called for an hour or so.
All good.
Neighbour's place across the street has gone up for sale @ £750k.
His son left to go to Canada so no-one to take over his business; he's not well and they have a big mortgage and need to downsize (all this from the 86YO neighbour next door who knows everyone's business). :)
Their place is a bit bigger than ours but maybe mine is worth £650k at a push. Wifey says she's never leaving here (except in a box) though. LOL.
But its goodnight from her and goodnight from me too. See ya's! :D
Glad you both had a nice day!
Nitey nite mate!:):):)
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Looks like I may be getting some air driven tools from family for Christmas. Must get on and finish that feckin utitlity room so I can be allowed to start work on my projects, which will entail a lot of removing rusty panels and welding.
So first up I think will be a reciprocatating air powered saw!!:):):)
'bout time I used my compressor for more than blowing up tyres!
Nite all!