I would just like to say

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Mice won't go in a strange thing in their range for at least a month ...
On our land it wouldn't be classed as a strange thing really because it is parked there more or less all the time, unless we are actually using it.
I, TBH, wasn't convinced. We have to drive through quite a bit of straw floating in the atmosphere, following farm carts and trucks loaded up with straw bales down country lanes. Where the "nest" was, was where I thought it might naturally form if there was straw in the airflow.
Doubt we'll ever know for sure!;):):)
Eevnin orl, us boys opin orl us frens be well an vit. Crispmus taime be proachin a shops be vull uv the C-wurd.
Us boys be back vrum land uv Scots, twer a big lode uv draivin but wer well wurf it. Wevver wer challenging wiv gails an vury wet but us boys got zum photos in bag. Hippocrates dun gude, nivver mist a beet a dun mayzin fool sumpshun.
Back tu reality now an av tu catch up wiv activvitees on yer!
Spottid the crispmus tree's in sainsberrys this week. Eggscitid to meet their nu family. The real ones that tis. Not the plastic ones. Reminds me ov first meeting egdar. Sat in is little pot wondering when e'd be picked. Discountid as no one had picked im. Not many days till crispmus and fearful e wood miss oot on the festivities.
I need to make custom lowered tow ball brackets as the landy has a 5" lift plus the 35" tyres
the ass of the trailers will be dragging on the tarmacadam o_O
Dixon Bate won't quite cope then?;):D:D
you arer having to reverse 1/2 a mile up a single track road with a trailer.
My big question is....
How the feck did your gear get there in the first place then?
Just wondrin!
Dixon Bate won't quite cope then?;):D:D
you arer having to reverse 1/2 a mile up a single track road with a trailer.
My big question is....
How the feck did your gear get there in the first place then?
Just wondrin!

Got a couple of dixons here could weld them together :D
Got the gear in through a field & took her fence apart....
Herself's Biffday has been pretty-much OK. :)
Both local son's and g-kids visited and remote son called for an hour or so.
All good.
Neighbour's place across the street has gone up for sale @ £750k.
His son left to go to Canada so no-one to take over his business; he's not well and they have a big mortgage and need to downsize (all this from the 86YO neighbour next door who knows everyone's business). :)
Their place is a bit bigger than ours but maybe mine is worth £650k at a push. Wifey says she's never leaving here (except in a box) though. LOL.
But its goodnight from her and goodnight from me too. See ya's! :D