I would just like to say

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12 rooms wow that's alot are you including the aring cupboard, thought our place was big:eek:
Guess now you have TRVs you best turn 6-8 of them off;). I would love 8ft ceilings if only to not have to get the step ladder out to change lights;).

We have lots of windows but with 33mm DG and have insulated the outside on 3 walls. No cavities.

This has made me count our rooms, LOL.
Lounge, dining room, kitchen, utility, bog, study. then upstairs, 4 bedroooms, two baths, so 12, snap!
not counting hall, landing or airing cupboard. All full, lots with toot, how can two peeps have to empty a bedroom to make it available to guests?
3 proper bedrooms, 2 studies ('is-n-'ers), 2 bathrooms, Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen/Breakfast room, Utility room, Downstairs bog, + Hall & Landing. It all adds up.
But the heat all sits at the top of each room while your feet freeze! LOL :D The TRV's are down at 1 in all rooms we aren't using and only get turned up if we have guests staying in them.
According tothe Energy Co. I use twice what neighbouring properties use (beats me how). :(
Fink it must be the solid brick walls. :(:(
Don't go stepping into any new police phone boxes that suddenly appear on your road! :D:D

...I just got a call from the 'orspital.
Having had 2 myocardial perfusion tests of the ticker already this month they just called and now want me in for an ECG on Saturday the 26th.
I wonder if the Perfusion test has thrown something up?
Curious and Curiouser. Well at least they are being thorough.
Sh!t mate, this is getting beyond a joke.
Really hope nothing comes of this.
fingers crossed.;);)
My mobile sits on the dining table usually with a flat battery, pretty sure you will find Stan does similar:rolleyes::D.

Yerp except I does keep mine charged as when I is out without W I do like to know she can ring me in an emergency, wot with being her carer and all! but I only switch it on when not driving. this happens absolute max, once a week.
Yerp except I does keep mine charged as when I is out without W I do like to know she can ring me in an emergency, wot with being her carer and all! but I only switch it on when not driving. this happens absolute max, once a week.

If I am allowed to go out alone I do charge it and leave it on until I get home. That’s when it gets put on the table and runs flat till the next time:rolleyes:.

Just switched most things off.
We are having our first trial "switch off and make dosh" fing with Octopussy.
Only lasts an hour.
So, heating off after having boosted it just a bit.
American fridge-freezer and small freezer off,
Just eated my dins.
TV off
Charger for lappy off too, EEK!:eek::eek:
Wifey in bed with her iPad on batt.
Landline phone on in study and Wifi on.
Oh and Humax still on though I doubt it is doing much.
Drinking wine so no coffee needed just yet.:):)
If I am allowed to go out alone I do charge it and leave it on until I get home. That’s when it gets put on the table and runs flat till the next time:rolleyes:.

To let it go flat do you leave it on or not? If I left mine on it'd go down sure, but I switch it off and it seems to hold charge incredibly well.;)