I would just like to say

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Ta muchness :D:D
Just the one bott id be canned after drinking wine haha
Not much to do then, ive got my sink to fix I managed to snap the drain fitting as I leant on the sink
:oops: Tis glass bowl type got the fitting here just need to remove some of the wet wall to gain access.
Job for the weekend me finks.
Wot a pain!:(:(:(
Dare I trust your leanings in a shower?;):D:D:D
One bot of wine = 6 units, thats feck all to a braw lad like you!!:):):)
I've lost considerably more to impecunious friends over the years than I ever have to burglars. Maybe they'll give it you back the first few times so as to establish a relationship, then they'll scarper with it. If there's any chance of getting any of the money back, you might as well take it. To most people out there, money is much more important than friendship, and they'd much rather lose a friend than cough up.

Yer true I know what your saying about cash being no1 on the list, id rather have friends but a recent
experience has showed me how other people think differently. Its not nice being stuck for cash either.
I wont be doing it again plus ive got a funny feeling he will ask again.
Yer true I know what your saying about cash being no1 on the list, id rather have friends but a recent
experience has showed me how other people think differently. Its not nice being stuck for cash either.
I wont be doing it again plus ive got a funny feeling he will ask again.
I wouldn't be surprised he is trying to "groom" you.
Borrow dosh, pay it back with interest quickly
Make you have confidence in him.
Borrow more, i.e. bigger sum.
Pay it back, you are even more confident in him.
Borrow much more.

Then he fecks off over the horizon.
Nah, don't play the game!;););)
Yer true I know what your saying about cash being no1 on the list, id rather have friends but a recent
experience has showed me how other people think differently. Its not nice being stuck for cash either.
I wont be doing it again plus ive got a funny feeling he will ask again.

Yes, the mistake I've made over the years is to place friendship and loyalty ahead of personal gain. I'm afraid I took that sort of thing rather literally.

These days if anyone asks, I say I haven't got any money because everything's so expensive these days, I still don't know how I'm going to pay the gas bill etc. Seems to work!
Yes, the mistake I've made over the years is to place friendship and loyalty ahead of personal gain. I'm afraid I took that sort of thing rather literally.

These days if anyone asks, I say I haven't got any money because everything's so expensive these days, I still don't know how I'm going to pay the gas bill etc. Seems to work!
In my case it's not a ruse.
Steal my credit identity?
Ha!! You can have it.

Poverty has a few benefits.
I wouldn't be surprised he is trying to "groom" you.
Borrow dosh, pay it back with interest quickly
Make you have confidence in him.
Borrow more, i.e. bigger sum.
Pay it back, you are even more confident in him.
Borrow much more.
Then he fecks off over the horizon.
Nah, don't play the game!;););)

Na no chance id give any more fook that, & im only doing it once if peeps want money
they can come out & work for it. I aint that gullible lol
In my case it's not a ruse.
Steal my credit identity?
Ha!! You can have it.

Poverty has a few benefits.

A few years ago when people started talking about 'identity theft' I got some cards printed in the style of the UK's organ donor cards, saying 'Identity donor card'. I quite liked the idea of some old lag having a fresh start if I were to get run over in the street. Several of my friends started carrying them too.
Yes, the mistake I've made over the years is to place friendship and loyalty ahead of personal gain. I'm afraid I took that sort of thing rather literally.

These days if anyone asks, I say I haven't got any money because everything's so expensive these days, I still don't know how I'm going to pay the gas bill etc. Seems to work!

Yer been there done that. :oops:
Ive got vet bills coming out my ears, never mind anything else.
Im out in the pissin rain busting my ass & some just sit on there's. :rolleyes:
Right then heres one for you.....
A chap I know, not a mate but ive known him for years.
He asked me for some work & I said ive got a few wee jobs I can put you on to in the
coming weeks. Fair enough id give him a shout, then the next day he comes and asks
for a loan of cash (400 sovs) he said hed give me a monkey back so I thought ok then.
He's been up to see me today says he'll have the money tomorrow.
Now do I take the 500 cause I kinda feel bad cause he's skint or do I just take the cash &
say cheers. It must have been quite hard to come & ask me in the first place.
What would yous do.....
Takey or no Takey :):)

So, what are we talking here..
A marmoset or a capuchin?

Yeees, I know that int neever, but a Mandrill would be takin the peas..:p
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