95 F, 35 C in the shade here again.
Got up early again and did slab jointing for 2 1/2 hours until my back wouldn't let me do anymore, so came in and had brekker.
Why sitting or kneeling to scrape out joints, then fill em with jointing sand, then ram it home does my back in worse than manhandling slabs in and out of their positions while in the interim spreading sand or muck under them, beats the cr@p out of me!
So after brekker went down the neighbours who are on holiday (In Corsica FFS, you think it's hot here!!!) as I am looking after their pool for them, i.e. topping it up when it gets a bit low. So this involves sitting around while the hose tops it off. Reading the paper discovered EDF is going to be renationalised.
That'll be a laugh!
I got home to open the mailbox and find 6, yes
6 envelopes from EDF, all with the same dated postmark, opened em to find 6 letters written to me on the same day giving me bills then correcting them and giving me other bills etc etc.
Can't be assed to read through them all, but looking forward to the laugh!!
Will have a lazy lunch and in the evening are going up to the Lac de Montagnes to watch the spectacular fireworks they always put on, with some friends. Three communes join together to put them on, to celebrate Bastille Day, a day early and don't ask me why!
enjoy the rest of the day folks!