Morning all!
Wifey still not clever so it looks like I'll be doing the shopping.
Which is good as it means my knee is to the point where I think it is manageable!
Still waiting for the delivery company to deliver me the leak stop stuff.
Having done the follow your parcel thing, they sent it to one town, then to the nearest commune, the one with our postcode, then back to the previous place.

The fact we live in the commune but in one of the outlying villages seems to fool some "livreurs".
I have messaged them, told them the route and told them to simply enter the name of the village in Google maps, it's the only one in the world they can't go wrong!! Maybe it's the road being closed, i.e. the nearest main road, but there is a DEVIATION clearly marked which passes right through the village!!! Grrr! Grrr!
Weather cooler but shouldn't rain, hopefully. fingers crossed.
Have a good day folks!