There were a few non uk plates leaving but most were campers(dragging big trailers) Now how do the visas work if you are travelling round? Do you still need 1?
We only know, in any depth, about the 3 to 6 month visas, as those are what we are going for.
If you intend to only stay for less than 90 days, you don't need a visa provided your whole stay including going from country to country within the Schengen area is less than 90 days. So if these bods in their campervans are doing that they'll be OK.
If they are going for longer than 90 days they'll need a long stay visa 90-180 days and this covers them for any Schengen country, this is what we are applying for and is quite involved as you have to say exactly where you will be staying and prove it, proof of income, prove you have enough dosh for the stay, prove you've paid for the accommodation and the return tickets, show you have the correct insurance or a GHIC card. Etc Etc Etc.
Our appointment with the Frog peeps in Wansdworth is for the 18th of Feb so we'll know a lot more about what else they will be asking for after that date, above and beyond what we are already having to supply, both originals and copies of.
If you want to go for longer than 180 days it is assumed you will be applying for a "carte de séjour" i.e. right of residence.
Once you get the visa for this you are supposed, within the first two months, to apply for the "Carte".
We may do this although there are tax and other considerations to be taken into account. If we do then it will make travel to and from much easier and we won't have to repeatedly obtain visas although the first is the hardest and later ones are like renewals.