I would just like to say

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My oil fired heating is on constant and kicks in on the thermostat. Heating engineer suggests it’s more efficient to top the heat up in a warm house than try and heat a cold house periodically. I’ve been running this theory for a year and it appears to have merit ;)
My heating is on constant too, but the boiler is OFF during the night. My engineer worked on the same theory as yours.
Hey up peepers, tis dry but chully we may have had a little frost, so up yous midges :p

Bin day today (blue) recycling but I putted my green one out as I seen others in the village
when I was out walking the dog, but we are on different collections cause they send the
smaller bin truck up here. anyhoo they emptied my green bin too :D result.

Have a good day.:):)
Does you lot turn yer central heatin oft at nite or does yer turn it down low. If low, what does yer turn it down too?
Mine is set ter 16 degrees C burrit keeps coming ont because the living room is cold.
Yes, heating goes off 10:30 till 07:30, but a frost setting will turn it on if it gets too cold (never has).
Leaving the heating ON all the time is only more efficient IF your house is VERY WELL insulated and therefore has a low rate of loss.
Mine is a 1930's solid brick house and while I have 3" of sealed cell foam under the rafters and 8" of lagging in the loft its rate of loss is too high to warrant leaving the heating on 24 x 7.
My yearly KwH of energy consumption is apparently twice that of my immediate neighbours. :oops:
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why was it being naughty:D
Can’t you see it in the mirrors?
Although saying that the horse trailer has no light ears and is really difficult to see behind in the dark, the other 1 does and is easy to see it’s still connected :p:D:D.
Cos you can’t tell the diff connected or not:). Behind the big boys, not the “mud ball” that would struggle loaded:).
Yes it is a very naughty trailer! You cannot see it whilst in a straight line as it is only 12' (4 metres for you metric folk) from hitch to tailgate and 6' (2m) wide. Even fully loaded to 2t MAM I didn't notice it attached with the exception of a quite steep hill and I had to change down a couple of gears!
We have solid fuel heating so im the thermostat, I turn it down & the misses will turn it back up :rolleyes:
Mine use to do that. Had a wireless themostat fitted & left the old 1 in place. Then hide the new wireless 1. When she was cold she would turn up the redundant 1. This lasted 3 weeks before she said is the Boiler playing up as I can’t hear it
Afternoon folks:).

Well girls gone to town lets see how many bags come out the car when they get back:eek: Anyway M just called said they would pick up a chinky I reminded her that I like long dark hair with big ..... Got a virtual slap for that down the phone. She said no the sort you eat I said ......................:D

Anyway I digress:).
Got me bucket of tools changed out from fascia board stuff to guttering stuff, then it started raining:(. Said sod that and went to the garage:D.

Have just lit the fire for a bit of gentle heat, to start warming the building fabric before it gets to cold.

I cleaned and fixed the roof today :)
Cleaning garage roof.jpg
Does you lot turn yer central heatin oft at nite or does yer turn it down low. If low, what does yer turn it down too?
Mine is set ter 16 degrees C burrit keeps coming ont because the living room is cold.
I has ours on auto which switches it off and back on again early in the a.m. Once tucked up in bed it don't matter that it is off. Is supposed to be a more economical way of using the CH. (Ours is gas).
But then out house is timber framed and feck off well insulated so the temp indoors don't drop that much overnight.
My heating is on constant too, but the boiler is OFF during the night. My engineer worked on the same theory as yours.
This seems a little weird as the boiler heats the water in the circulation system which heats the radiators and the hot water tank. So if the boiler if off it can't heat anything. So your heating may be on "constant" but unless the boiler is on too, despite it pumping water around the system, it'll slowly get colder.
BUT, maybe you mean that the hot water is off during the night, which makes sense. Although the boiler is actooly on supplying heat to the rads.
I wish we had a system where we could turn off the heat to the HW tank but keep it going in the rads. Only ever had one house with that. The owner was a heating engineer and put the system in himself!
I sort of watch the temps fairly regularly as Wifey really feels the cold, so it comes on at 6:30 a.m. to ensure the place is back up to temp for 8:00 when we get up. It makes a heck of a difference having your place well insulated.
Mine use to do that. Had a wireless themostat fitted & left the old 1 in place. Then hide the new wireless 1. When she was cold she would turn up the redundant 1. This lasted 3 weeks before she said is the Boiler playing up as I can’t hear it
Actooly LOL ed at that!!!:D:D:D:D:D
Think we must all have chilly wives that feel the cold!! ( no insulting of anyone ere!);)
This seems a little weird as the boiler heats the water in the circulation system which heats the radiators and the hot water tank. So if the boiler if off it can't heat anything. So your heating may be on "constant" but unless the boiler is on too, despite it pumping water around the system, it'll slowly get colder.
BUT, maybe you mean that the hot water is off during the night, which makes sense. Although the boiler is actooly on supplying heat to the rads.
I wish we had a system where we could turn off the heat to the HW tank but keep it going in the rads. Only ever had one house with that. The owner was a heating engineer and put the system in himself!
I sort of watch the temps fairly regularly as Wifey really feels the cold, so it comes on at 6:30 a.m. to ensure the place is back up to temp for 8:00 when we get up. It makes a heck of a difference having your place well insulated.
In this new place ours is a combi boiler so the thermostat is set to 16 at night and 20 during the day. The heating hardly runs and the smart meter confirms this. I resisted both in the old place as it was so big but this tiny bungalow is really cheap to run it seems!!