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Afternoon folks:).

Not raining here but lots of moistness falling from the air;).
So had yesterday off as the girls were to late on Sat to get the guttering (thank f) finished the facia boards this morning. So I will be guttering amorrow:).Probably have to adjust the bottom batten for tiles too. Cos I cut rafters in relation to distance away from building.
Working with old unstraight everything means its all done by eye "and that looks ok" :eek::D. But then there's probably builders/chippies working on completely square new homes that say that too:rolleyes:.

As long as I can get the water to come out the right bit of the guttering then job jobbed:p:p

Rated at 2 ton but that's more than said hippo weight. Fing is very few peeps tow fings these days. And if they does they dunt tow much.

I have to agree, the lack of tow bars on the back of the real RR proves peeps didn’t buy them to haul wt.
Tow bars on all of ours and trailers in the garden:).

Although at 2t the little RR couldn’t tow 2 of our 3 trailers:D
Ever watched "American Chopper"? they seem to do it all the time.:D:D:D
If I have a very precise little weld to do (MIG) I may well hold the gun so the arc is shielded from my eye by the tip of the gun, so you could draw an imaginary line from the weld point through the centre of the tip back up to where it angles away from the gun to one eye, with the other shut, obvs, maybe just to start it, then flick the mask down. But as a general rule, can't imagine why anyone would want to risk their eyesight to "arceye".

You get autodarky helmets these days its moved on a bit since the 70s :p:D

American Chopper na im not into gay porn.:eek:
I fitted a rear view camera just so I could keep an eye on the trailer whilst on the go!

why was it being naughty:D
Can’t you see it in the mirrors?
Although saying that the horse trailer has no light ears and is really difficult to see behind in the dark, the other 1 does and is easy to see it’s still connected :p:D:D.
Cos you can’t tell the diff connected or not:). Behind the big boys, not the “mud ball” that would struggle loaded:).