I would just like to say

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......that today I actually got on with muckin around with the hubs on the Disco, to try and solve old "thrum thrum".
Step one, barmy as itr seems, was to remove the newish nearside rear hub ad replace it with the one I took off. o_O:confused:
(When I got the 3 amigos Bournemouth Land Rover told me it was that hub that needed changing, so I did. Feck all difference. So £60 wasted. But, the one that came from ......whoever....was a one for a front hub, sent in error. It therefore had a much longer lead to the ABS.)
So, 1 hour and 10 mins later, the swap is done. (very proud of myself seeing as how I only has hand tools, no dugga dugga). Road test, no 3 amigos thank feck and Thrum thrum still there.
So it looks like blokey from last week was right.
So, cunning plan, replace the nearside front with the one I just took off as it has the right length lead. Next job.
Why bother so much just to retain the lead? Well, I have heard that once you start disturbing the sensor all hell breaks loose and even LR themselves replace hub connected to lead.
So tomoz we will see. ;););););)
Things a bit quiet with Wifey away.
I sent her some funny texts and Wotsaps on my snazzy new phone wot I never normally use. but no messages form her last night. Am just checking now. Well she did respond to the text. Forgot how awful dottir#2's cookin is. No salt cos she can't have it, so nor can anyone else. Undercooked veg, no gravy (Roast chicken FFS!) but at least she is alive and kicking!
This seems a little weird as the boiler heats the water in the circulation system which heats the radiators and the hot water tank. So if the boiler if off it can't heat anything. So your heating may be on "constant" but unless the boiler is on too, despite it pumping water around the system, it'll slowly get colder.
BUT, maybe you mean that the hot water is off during the night, which makes sense. Although the boiler is actooly on supplying heat to the rads.
I wish we had a system where we could turn off the heat to the HW tank but keep it going in the rads. Only ever had one house with that. The owner was a heating engineer and put the system in himself!
I sort of watch the temps fairly regularly as Wifey really feels the cold, so it comes on at 6:30 a.m. to ensure the place is back up to temp for 8:00 when we get up. It makes a heck of a difference having your place well insulated.

I do not have a hot water tank, it is a condensing(?) boiler. I don't have a cold tank either, the water comes from the mains. The boiler does all the magic within itself:)!
Oh, one other thing.
My bloody head unit has decided to throw a hissy fit and not eject a cassette.
It's a Kenwood KRC-379R, if that means anything to anyone.
It's a "head off " unit which often refuses to work properly for quite a while, i.e. the controls lead it to sort of switch itself off and then back on again unless you persist with it, then it behaves. I think this may be to do with my not using it every day, combined with dam getting into the face-off bit. This isn't the only face-off thing I've had and they all seem to suffer with this.
It works absolutely fine, plays the radio and CDs but if I ask it to eject the cassette it makes a nasty grr grr noise and I can hear it switching from play one side to play the other as if there was some resistance to the motor. It doesn't seem to have eaten the tape.
Think I'll start a separate thread on this.
This seems a little weird as the boiler heats the water in the circulation system which heats the radiators and the hot water tank. So if the boiler if off it can't heat anything. So your heating may be on "constant" but unless the boiler is on too, despite it pumping water around the system, it'll slowly get colder.
BUT, maybe you mean that the hot water is off during the night, which makes sense. Although the boiler is actooly on supplying heat to the rads.
I wish we had a system where we could turn off the heat to the HW tank but keep it going in the rads. Only ever had one house with that. The owner was a heating engineer and put the system in himself!
I sort of watch the temps fairly regularly as Wifey really feels the cold, so it comes on at 6:30 a.m. to ensure the place is back up to temp for 8:00 when we get up. It makes a heck of a difference having your place well insulated.
When I moved into Wimblowdriver Towers I completely modernised the heating system. Removed the floor standing boiler in the kitching, took down the chimney it was using, and replaced with a combo boiler. New pipework throughout and a few new rads. Cold water tanks and old balancing tank removed from the loft (that, and chimney removal meant more floor space up there). Removed the hot water tank and the airing cupboard it was in, increasing space in the bathroom. Lots more space all round and top class heating.
When I moved into Wimblowdriver Towers I completely modernised the heating system. Removed the floor standing boiler in the kitching, took down the chimney it was using, and replaced with a combo boiler. New pipework throughout and a few new rads. Cold water tanks and old balancing tank removed from the loft (that, and chimney removal meant more floor space up there). Removed the hot water tank and the airing cupboard it was in, increasing space in the bathroom. Lots more space all round and top class heating.
every heating engineer who services our boiler tells us to never replace it as it is so god and so reliable. Loft space tank not a problem, HW tank in airing cupboard means, well, airing!!!
Peeps tell me a condensing boiler is a/expensive and B/ needs replacing on a regular basis.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
But of course the govt wants us all to have one..........err no it don't. It wants us to go back to immersion heaters for hot water and rubbing two boy scouts together to generate heat in the home.

no fanks!!!!
Mine use to do that. Had a wireless themostat fitted & left the old 1 in place. Then hide the new wireless 1. When she was cold she would turn up the redundant 1. This lasted 3 weeks before she said is the Boiler playing up as I can’t hear it

Ive been chinned about the heating when I came home tonight, she wants the fire filled right up
in the morning then turned right down, and dont think about putting a spoonful on it an leave it till lunch
time like I normally do.
Oh, one other thing.
My bloody head unit has decided to throw a hissy fit and not eject a cassette.
It's a Kenwood KRC-379R, if that means anything to anyone.
It's a "head off " unit which often refuses to work properly for quite a while, i.e. the controls lead it to sort of switch itself off and then back on again unless you persist with it, then it behaves. I think this may be to do with my not using it every day, combined with dam getting into the face-off bit. This isn't the only face-off thing I've had and they all seem to suffer with this.
It works absolutely fine, plays the radio and CDs but if I ask it to eject the cassette it makes a nasty grr grr noise and I can hear it switching from play one side to play the other as if there was some resistance to the motor. It doesn't seem to have eaten the tape.
Think I'll start a separate thread on this.

What is this 'cassette' of which you speak?
Small French box... Hmmm :p:D
@Stanleysteamer .
Mebbe you has Hot Water Priority on your system. Means the Tank stat overrides the Heating stat. If you puts the Tank stat output through a basic timer you can inhibit that overnight so the Heating continues to get, errrm , heat? o_O
As with many older systems, it has a valve which closes the central heating bit off so that if I program it to only give hot water that is what it does. The other system, in a previous house, must have had another valve that allowed the watter to pass through the rads but not through the tank. Which must have made it a bit more economical. The best thing I can do is turn the tank stat down so that, in the winter months, the room stat turns the heating on when needed and it "incidentally" goes through the tank and warms the watter in it. But it don't turn the pump on unless the watter gets really cold. which don't happen as the place is so well insulated. During the summer months, if we were here, which we ain't normally, I'd turn the CH bit off so it just heats the watter and then I'd turn the tank stat up so the watter gets properly hot and avoids legionnaires etc!