Afternoon folks
Another cracking day

Again spent in the garden in shorts with white legs out

, M got out the tow behind and cut the paddock, its coughing and spluttering a bit and has for some reason used twice as much fuel to do the job, and the bloody solenoid seems to have gone duff over the winter. So that's on the list for a coat of looking at

Cops dropped by and handed me my fine for losing my driving license so I am off down town tomorrow to the bank to pay that then have to take the receipt to the cops, they haven't quite got there with paying things online yet

. Why I couldn't have just paid the fine when I registered that I had lost it is all a bit of a modern mystery. That would cut out a huge amount of man hours and people, cant have that

. Thinking about taking the bike cos the cop house has a lovely courtyard type area and it would sound awesome in there

At least they would then know who owns it.

They know all our cars but haven't connected the bike yet.
Treat for tea tonight, Proper chip shop pie and chips

Hope everybody's day has been good