I would just like to say

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Morning All :D
I am really grateful for this run of dry weather, it looks nice again today, but promises rain late in the day.
At that point, the garden is going to look like the Somme.:(
I think we will be lucky to get the fencing done and the patio started this week, nothing more.
Feeling a bit achy & tired this morning, but its got to get done so onwards ever onwards.
Have a lovely day everyone. :D

Oh, and a little 4-Jaw chuck will be arriving for my lathe today.
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Oh, and a little 4-Jaw chuck will be arriving for my lathe today.
This is great news!! Perhaps a pic of it installed?
I have been playing with my old Centec mill this morning:
Machining 150 angle.jpg
Well ALL the planned fencing is completed. :) The rain did not really happen, a few spots is all.

The last part-panel is being put into position as I type.
Tom insists on chasing out the concrete plinth at the side of the extension so that the final gravel board & panel can sit at the correct height.
This last panel will get screwed to a timber affixed to the wall of the extension. So, I bowed out gracefully and left him to close it out.
In the "good news" department, I got my £2,300 back that I lent my son last week to cover the initial outlay costs. :)
I'm fairly worn-out. Not sure what/how/if I can do anything to help tomorrow. :)
I am glad it is all done though.:D
Well ALL the planned fencing is completed. :) The rain did not really happen, a few spots is all.View attachment 236912
The last part-panel is being put into position as I type.
Tom insists on chasing out the concrete plinth at the side of the extension so that the final gravel board & panel can sit at the correct height.
This last panel will get screwed to a timber affixed to the wall of the extension. So, I bowed out gracefully and left him to close it out.
In the "good news" department, I got my £2,300 back that I lent my son last week to cover the initial outlay costs. :)
I'm fairly worn-out. Not sure what/how/if I can do anything to help tomorrow. :)
I am glad it is all done though.:D
A superb job there Dan. Excellent work!
A superb job there Dan. Excellent work!
Thanks! I am pleased that it has come out so well. Tom has done all the hard labouring, I have just been there to hold stuff, lift stuff, buy & drink-beer etc.
But my hours are the same as Tom's, it's my lad (for whom all this work has been done) that has been absent 95% of the time. He is VERY grateful.
Well ALL the planned fencing is completed. :) The rain did not really happen, a few spots is all.View attachment 236912
The last part-panel is being put into position as I type.
Tom insists on chasing out the concrete plinth at the side of the extension so that the final gravel board & panel can sit at the correct height.
This last panel will get screwed to a timber affixed to the wall of the extension. So, I bowed out gracefully and left him to close it out.
In the "good news" department, I got my £2,300 back that I lent my son last week to cover the initial outlay costs. :)
I'm fairly worn-out. Not sure what/how/if I can do anything to help tomorrow. :)
I am glad it is all done though.:D

Nice job, well done sir. ;)
Evening all, more woodwork done today couple of wee showers so we used some dpm as a temp

The only bit im not happy with is the door hinges. as they need to open outwards & the customer wants
them to open all the way round & touch the outside panel, if it was mine id bring the doors out &
have them sliding left n right.
Did wonder, but our house and even garden are free of mice and rats, just not squirrels, but they'd have had to have got into the lounge, bitten through the wire as neat as a pair of snips. Then completely removed the wire bit about 2' long with a USB plug on the end!

With only the two of us in the house plus 3 cockers we cannot understand how it happened.
Beginning to think one of us walked in our sleep, while having a nightmare, but even then we would have had to dispose of the evidence!
New keyboard working fine!:)
Evening all, more woodwork done today couple of wee showers so we used some dpm as a temp
View attachment 236919 View attachment 236920 View attachment 236921

The only bit im not happy with is the door hinges. as they need to open outwards & the customer wants
them to open all the way round & touch the outside panel, if it was mine id bring the doors out &
have them sliding left n right.
Nice job mate!:):):)
The customer is always..............cuckoo!:D:D:D
Nice job mate!:):):)
The customer is always..............cuckoo!:D:D:D

Ta much :):) its certainly coming together now, a lot of labour though as all the tile baton are
various sizes from 31mm to 37mm o_O we had to put them through the planner went with
34mm & we will use the thinner timber for the deck surround or the planters.
The nobend make me pick up a load of fencing gear & timber for another set of gates
then said we were too expensive and that he would do it no worries crack on lad I said.
This was on friday, he came out yesterday an said errr can you just go ahead an do the other fence, his wife came home & put him straight. tw@tt
Now I have an issue as ive booked in the re-roofing job after the extension job. He will need to wait.