I would just like to say

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Morning All :D
Breakfast has been enjoyed (B & E) and coffee glugged down. :)
All one side of the fencing got finished by the boys last night before dark.
The second side should be done today and should be a lot easier as the ground is less concrete strewn.
The back fence will come last.
Ho-Hum, off we go. Have a great day everyone. :D
The floor mounted dip switch was actually a bit of a nightmare too, although sooo common.
Shifting it to a stalk was a good idea as you often wanted to change gear at the same time as dip the lights.
And yet again, what if you wanted to change gear at the same time as wash the screen?
But I had at least two Minis where the screen wash pump was on the dash and once the nylon pipes deteriorated you found yourself washing your hand rather than the screen. :eek:
But I adored the starter switch in the floor!:):):)

I have an old car with floor mounted headlight dipping. More than once have tried to double de-dip when driving at pace down country lane and meeting oncoming vehicle.

The floor mounted screen wash had the bonus of being able to choose if the dribble went to top or bottom of screen but also had the lucky dip option of a sock full of water.
Wifey's Pluriel has character too. Not just having a gear lever AND flappy paddles to change gear.
But the weird and wonderful roof that opens into 4 configurations, or 5 if you take the pillars/hoops out.
which we have yet to dare do!
Bring it on!:):):)

Am pretty sure Land Rover did that many options yeeaaaarrrs ago:D:D:D:D:D
They even did the googles and protection from bugs in the mouth option:eek::eek: Hummmmm maybe that option would keep the passenger quiet;);)

Sorry no flappy paddles though am pretty sure the gearstick flapped around a bit;):D

Afternoon folks:)

well its been a couple of cracking days and almost got the summer kitchen roof finished only 2 cut bits left too go.
Today wasnt so good, so we split up our meat delivery which turned yesterday late afternoon. so thats all cut and bagged into 2 people bags:). Then took the afternoon off, it is Satdi so fairs fair:D
18kg of pork and 5kg of lamb, bring on the proper BBQ season we are stocked:D:D.

So should get the roof finished tomorrow. then on to the next.:eek:

Hope all have had a good day.
