I would just like to say

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Ta much :):) its certainly coming together now, a lot of labour though as all the tile baton are
various sizes from 31mm to 37mm o_O we had to put them through the planner went with
34mm & we will use the thinner timber for the deck surround or the planters.
The nobend make me pick up a load of fencing gear & timber for another set of gates
then said we were too expensive and that he would do it no worries crack on lad I said.
This was on friday, he came out yesterday an said errr can you just go ahead an do the other fence, his wife came home & put him straight. tw@tt
Now I have an issue as ive booked in the re-roofing job after the extension job. He will need to wait.
Love it when the wife puts the husband straight, and it isn't me!!!!!:D:D:D:D
Better to have too much work than not enough.:):):)
The shutters on all our windows and doors in France open through 180 degrees and lock back. As you'd expect, but the way this place is the French windows open over other windows.:confused:. Might they not have opened inwards? Like all of them do in France, (cos otherwise they'd have a problem with the shutters.:rolleyes:) But understand your solution. ;)
Did you do all the glazing?:eek:
Love it when the wife puts the husband straight, and it isn't me!!!!!:D:D:D:D
Better to have too much work than not enough.:):):)
The shutters on all our windows and doors in France open through 180 degrees and lock back. As you'd expect, but the way this place is the French windows open over other windows.:confused:. Might they not have opened inwards? Like all of them do in France, (cos otherwise they'd have a problem with the shutters.:rolleyes:) But understand your solution. ;)
Did you do all the glazing?:eek:

Yup done the glazing withoot glass 10mm polycarbonate mega expensive :eek:
cuts easy with the chop saws tho. :D
Had a good sheep in me chair ter nite. Woke up meself anorl. Went to bed then looked in ere. Fell a'sheep several times un woked up arf way frew readin stuff. Poo cam survived the rain. No footage as nowt triggered him. Bee's fly around him and trigger recording. Yer don't see em but occasionally hear their buzz.
Had a good sheep in me chair ter nite. Woke up meself anorl. Went to bed then looked in ere. Fell a'sheep several times un woked up arf way frew readin stuff. Poo cam survived the rain. No footage as nowt triggered him. Bee's fly around him and trigger recording. Yer don't see em but occasionally hear their buzz.

I managed to get three different leaves within the 'eye' line of my wildlife camera recently (when I left it protecting my dungeon when I was away) and I got 2,231 x 10 secs. hits! Nothing was of any use! I won't make that mistake again! :rolleyes::D
Dark,cold & not enough sleep. I will make up for it later
Looks like I have a day within wales borders today. Hope the sun shines

Yes, you're in luck, the sun is up and shining brightly ….. but still no rain. :( If all goes according to the plan, the further west you go the greater the chance of sun and no rain.:)
Morning all :D
Still in the land of the living so praise be...:)
I am bunking off "Garden Duties" this morning to go and get my window boards.
I shall probably bodge fix them in place with expanding foam and batons, just like the original ones were.;)
Plastering will be on the 10th May, a week or so drying out, and then 3 coats of paint up there.
Not sure I will welcome the window-cleaner walking along the roof after plastering because it would probably just crack.
The roof is only trussed 2x4 (only 7'6" wide on top) and I wanted to keep the weight cost down, so it does flex a little (its a roof not a dance-floor).
Still lots to do, and a wife to make me do it all..
Have a lovely day everyone.:)
Morning all I have a late start today :D
Blue sky with white fluffy clouds might get some rays today.

Neebs up the road getting some monoblock done asked me for a price then went for a more
expensive company as they could pay half when it was done & the other half at crimbo time.(stuff that)
They also got a company in to cut the massive hedges & hired a lad in with a tractor to chop
them, silly coonts as its my mate who owns the tractor probably cost them double. lol

Have a good day ya'll:)
Imported Photos 00049.jpg
I went over the breacons first. From neath.
Turned into the country side & popped out by the reservoir. Loverly road except livestock every where. Well I’m not in a rush.
Sheep rule! With the addition of mountain horses in some places. :)
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Evening all :D
Another day of toil in the "Garden Of Despair". From about 11AM for me.
After looking at the state of the ground where the patio will eventually be it was determined that it was so random in its construction and make-up that in fact it would need to come out completely.
We also now know why the garden flooded when it rained heavily. ;) A previously poorly installed drainage system that was all silted up.
No Mech-aids, just a sledge-hammer and a large wrecking bar. All the concrete, bricks/breezeblock and random wood and broken glass was removed and only "Type 1" bits left behind.
Finished at about 17:30. We are now at least 2 brick courses lower and a 6 Yd skip has been filled by me and Tom.
My knee is really upset with me, so I shall take a day off and do stuff here instead tomorrow.
Here's a couple of pictures (part done, and at the end).
Still alive to tell the tale and Tom says I am as much of a beast as he is. ;) Praise indeed.
