Well, we had a power cut during the night so the heating came on late this a.m. so got up late.
Then Wifey got a letter from HMIR which sent her off!
So I managed to get her to eat her brekker.
She then got all her papers out and got on the phone to them. After an interminable wait, she got to speak to a person, who she then tied up in knots. During this person's second trip to talk to her supervisor, Wifey got cut off!
So she is right now waiting to speak to someone again! Very boring! She'll win, she always does, but I think this time she will not only be making an official complaint, yet again, and getting a tax statement going back to 2010, but she may even get the Audit Commission involved, as she thinks a possible fraud may be going on. i.e. the tax office having a fraudster in it.
It's an 0300 number, but Wifey has free calls on her mobile till April!
Good thing!
(She's just got through, and I have popcorn!)