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Any ideas how to trace the break in a rear window demisterer?
Continuity tester?
Yer can try measuring resistance but it depends if yer can get contact with the wires and where. Yer can cause damage to the tracks using this method so could cause more damage.

Does it only fail in one area or one strip? If so then look closely at that strip and yer might see the break. If it's the whole screen failing then look at the pattern to see if it's a common problem going in/out of all loops.
Yer can try measuring resistance but it depends if yer can get contact with the wires and where. Yer can cause damage to the tracks using this method so could cause more damage.

Does it only fail in one area or one strip? If so then look closely at that strip and yer might see the break. If it's the whole screen failing then look at the pattern to see if it's a common problem going in/out of all loops.
steam the window up, then turn the demister on :D
Once again I am called to "fix"/look at stuff that's screwed up in the 91YO MIL's decaying and dilapidated pile. :oops:
Today its the phone doesn't work. People call her and get an instant answer and silence then a message "the other party has cleared", so they call us to report it?????
Went there to take a look after wifey got all arsey with ME because I suggested her ar$ehole of a brother should get off his duff and take a look for his mum.
First thing I find is "bodged" wiring her late husband put in with cables not secured and various extenders/socket doublers all over the place.
Pull all actual phone cables out of the chipped/smashed sticky/filthy sockets and the problem is still there when you call her number.
Cannot determine where the wiring comes into the house because it arrives as an overhead drop and presumably disappears into the attic and where it goes from there is anybody's guess.
All the visible wiring is not standard 2-pair CW1308 it is whatever crap the late FIL got his hands on.
Told wifey to call the worst telco in the world "Talk-Talk" (or in this case "Click-Silence") to get wireman out to resolve it.
Once again I am called to "fix"/look at stuff that's screwed up in the 91YO MIL's decaying and dilapidated pile. :oops:
Today its the phone doesn't work. People call her and get an instant answer and silence then a message "the other party has cleared", so they call us to report it?????
Went there to take a look after wifey got all arsey with ME because I suggested her ar$ehole of a brother should get off his duff and take a look for his mum.
First thing I find is "bodged" wiring her late husband put in with cables not secured and various extenders/socket doublers all over the place.
Pull all actual phone cables out of the chipped/smashed sticky/filthy sockets and the problem is still there when you call her number.
Cannot determine where the wiring comes into the house because it arrives as an overhead drop and presumably disappears into the attic and where it goes from there is anybody's guess.
All the visible wiring is not standard 2-pair CW1308 it is whatever crap the late FIL got his hands on.
Told wifey to call the worst telco in the world "Talk-Talk" (or in this case "Click-Silence") to get wireman out to resolve it.

Age is an awful thing and I am full of sympathy for the old dear but I agree with you, it is her own family who should be taking care of her. Your wife probably knows that and knows that her brother will not help so, in kindness, she looks to you. It is hard on you but sleep sound knowing that you do help and will not let her down, it's the brother who needs to be shamed, but then he probably is because he is aware that you will always do a better job than he can. It won't be much longer (on the law of averages) so just take it on the chin and feel smug. :)
Age is an awful thing and I am full of sympathy for the old dear but I agree with you, it is her own family who should be taking care of her. Your wife probably knows that and knows that her brother will not help so, in kindness, she looks to you. It is hard on you but sleep sound knowing that you do help and will not let her down, it's the brother who needs to be shamed, but then he probably is because he is aware that you will always do a better job than he can. It won't be much longer (on the law of averages) so just take it on the chin and feel smug. :)
Thanks @derwendolly I do know its all transitory and not a long-term imposition. It does indeed annoy me somewhat that her own lad seems to duck first-line stuff all the time, but hey-ho that's why I bite my tongue and vent here on LZ. Cheaper than any therapist and often a lot more useful. :D
Thanks @derwendolly I do know its all transitory and not a long-term imposition. It does indeed annoy me somewhat that her own lad seems to duck first-line stuff all the time, but hey-ho that's why I bite my tongue and vent here on LZ. Cheaper than any therapist and often a lot more useful. :D
Write it all down and have a massive blowout Eastenders style row at the funeral:p You know you want to
Once again I am called to "fix"/look at stuff that's screwed up in the 91YO MIL's decaying and dilapidated pile. :oops:
Today its the phone doesn't work. People call her and get an instant answer and silence then a message "the other party has cleared", so they call us to report it?????
Went there to take a look after wifey got all arsey with ME because I suggested her ar$ehole of a brother should get off his duff and take a look for his mum.
First thing I find is "bodged" wiring her late husband put in with cables not secured and various extenders/socket doublers all over the place.
Pull all actual phone cables out of the chipped/smashed sticky/filthy sockets and the problem is still there when you call her number.
Cannot determine where the wiring comes into the house because it arrives as an overhead drop and presumably disappears into the attic and where it goes from there is anybody's guess.
All the visible wiring is not standard 2-pair CW1308 it is whatever crap the late FIL got his hands on.
Told wifey to call the worst telco in the world "Talk-Talk" (or in this case "Click-Silence") to get wireman out to resolve it.
Eye fink they send the big freelander owner as they know yer like spending yer time fixing fings. Big freelander ownership gives that impression ter peeps.
We has had a vurchul crispmus party ut wuk terday. Betterer known assa teams meetin wiv lots ov peeps torkin over each uvva. There be no turky. No sossij rolls. No food at all the miserbul fekers. No fizzy pop anorl. Yer had ter sit un eatid yer own lunch yer bort yerself. Bastids. Un they question why eye left after 30 secunds. Eye dunt like the fekers onna gud day. Why shud eye spoil crispmus wivvem.
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