I would just like to say

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Morning All :D
Cool but dry round here at the moment.:)
Cat's been fed & Paper retrieved from the shop.
Last night's drying up all put away.
Waiting for herself to stir from her slumbers.
Yesterday I put one of the old 3-armed light fittings from the Kitchen into my study (that was amusing when I blew the wall switch up with a dose of 230v at full bore).
Today I "may" finish off my artexing (overdue).
Shopping day today (probably going to be madness as we are getting close to Xmas).:(
Have a great day everyone.:D
Good call. As is usual the thought of me being idle on my week oft has sent wifey into a paroxysm of duty list production. I hid it... :D
thing is with wife lists, if you say you've got a free day, the list comes out.. if you've got loads to do, the list suddenly becomes mega important and can't possibly wait another second because you should have made sure the car was fixed before now, you knew we had to use it