I would just like to say

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Not the best Friday of my life as my husband passed away this morning. A very sad but inevitable end, he would have wanted it this way - quick and peaceful, it is me that it is very hard on.:(

Big hugs from here, if you need to PM me do so ...

Four years on for me and there are still days when I'd rather be elsewhere ...
Not the best Friday of my life as my husband passed away this morning. A very sad but inevitable end, he would have wanted it this way - quick and peaceful, it is me that it is very hard on.:(
Really sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you. Sending you all the virtual support I have and wishing you the best in the coming weeks :(
What’s one of them?

not needed 1 for years:D

In rural France it cannot be guaranteed that a credit card machine will work or that they will take it. As it is, today, we were able to pay for both wine and meal with one.
But once, in the past, we had a few hundred quid's worth of wine in the boot and the wine guy told us his machine was fubar, so it was cheque or cash. I told him I didn't have my chequebook with me and even if I did I couldn't pay him as we didn't have enough dosh on the account.
He just shrugged and asked him when we could pay him, I said in about 1 1/2 months time. He just said "ok" and that was that. We drove off with the wine and sent him a cheque once we'd got it organised.
We'd been buying wine from him for years and he trusted us.
But I cannot imagine a UK company allowing you to drive off like that!
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Not the best Friday of my life as my husband passed away this morning. A very sad but inevitable end, he would have wanted it this way - quick and peaceful, it is me that it is very hard on.:(
...and after our conversation last night.
I am so sorry DD. Condolences do not cover it as ever, but please accept mine all the very same.
Do you have people with you? I do hope so.:(
I probably use mine about once a year. Had it in my 4rse pocket on Monday ready for use, but in the end used my plastic squander card. Cheque book will gather dust for another year.

I don’t think I have used a cheque for about 15yrs.

In rural France it cannot be guaranteed that a credit card machine will work or that they will take it. As it is, today, we were able to pay for both wine and meal with one.
But once, in the past, we had a few hundred quid's worth of wine in the boot and the wine guy told us his machine was fubar, so it was cheque or cash. I told him I didn't have my chequebook with me and even if I did I couldn't pay him as we didn't have enough dosh on the account.
He just shrugged and asked him when we could pay him, I said in about 1 1/2 months time. He just said "ok" and that was that. We drove off with the wine and sent him a cheque once we'd got it organised.
We'd been buying wine from him and he trusted us.
But I cannot imagine a UK company allowing you to drive off like that!

To be honest I think we could go in our local shop and get a tab too:D

It was purely cash when we moved here (no cheques) but last couple of years cards are being more accepted.
But always go out with cash Incase.
When I travelled I never used to rely on a card working in another country so always carry cash, even going back to the U.K.:) cash is king:D

Happy Friday peoples....

Our pooch been up most of the night chasing a mouse got it in the trap they are suckers
for peanut butter. Not deaded no need to kill them. :)
Dreech & damp here not raining tho, another day off today im delivering a outboard to Oban
so taking my D1 tis the first run its hard since march apart form the mot.
Lunch will be fresh sea food, more for me as the misses aint keen on seafood.

Might get a few pics on the way if it clears up.
Remember charlie says dont play wiv matches.
Hope you enjoy the new exhaust and the seafood, where you goin? Spoons?;););)
I actually had big prawn salad for starters toady and it was lovley, as wifey is allergic to fish as we never have it at home. (Followed by steak I could have cut wiv a fork.)
Been bloody hot though!
Leaving wine in car, too hot to unload and sort if afore tomoz!:)
$hit day that started badly.
DIL pushed a window wide open in the room her son is sleeping in at my place and the wind sprang up and so at 05:30 I was awakened by the roller blind exiting/re-entering the window casement (noisy as hell).
So awake from 05:30 and up at 7-ish.
About to depart for the building site when the MIL calls. Having been taken to the supermarket only yesterday afternoon she has just "discovered" that she has no milk.
Wife says "Run this up to my mum" (our milk), took it up there but gave the old trout a proper telling off as I have better things to do with my time than run errands for an idiot.
Went to my other sons en-route to the House of Doom (I had promised I would) to wire up a waterproof external light switch and a double-gang socket.
Then off from there to the House of Doom............and today's progress is:

Finished the kitchen unit fitting, Oven's in and working, Tumble-dryer & washer too!
So they have fully working domestic hot water at the kitchen sink, cooking & laundry facilities are done.
Worktops next week and then the "hot-tap" sink and the cooker induction-hob are going in.
Hoping to "repel-boarders" this weekend and only have them back on an exception basis. :D
But my ar$ehole of a son is resisting this approach because it means a lot of weekend work and aggravation for him.
Not the best Friday of my life as my husband passed away this morning. A very sad but inevitable end, he would have wanted it this way - quick and peaceful, it is me that it is very hard on.:(
Ohhhh.... I am so very sorry to hear your sad news. A nice way to go, but so very, very sad for those remaining behind to carry on. RIP your dear Hubby.
My thoughts are with you at this very sad time. My sincerest condolences. Dan.