I would just like to say

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During a recent interview for my replacement I was telling the interviewee about the role and what he would have to deal with and he actually said to me that I look like a broken man! :D:D

He won't be back for a second interview regardless of the fact that he was correct. :rolleyes:
I would not be back for a second interview if the person leaving looked knackered.
I would think how hard you are working?
Done nowt terday. Cort up on wotchin youtoob video's. Hadda nap this afternoon. Spag bol fer tea. Eye be sat int chair. Me forf watta but be two inches frompt top, from being full.

We had a day like that too:). Neither could decide what to get out of the freezer for tea so we went to our local eatery.:)

We don’t have “watta buts” and even if we did they would be empty right now.

During a recent interview for my replacement I was telling the interviewee about the role and what he would have to deal with and he actually said to me that I look like a broken man! :D:D

He won't be back for a second interview regardless of the fact that he was correct. :rolleyes:
Sounds like he didn't want the job and made sure he didn't get it!
I would not be back for a second interview if the person leaving looked knackered.
I would think how hard you are working?
At an interview for a Head of Faculty job , I told the headmaster that his HOF who was leaving had been working too hard. He agreed with me!
2 day interview at big school in King's Lynn.
Head was a nutter.
6 candidates, 5 of us dropped out before lunch first day!
Hope you enjoy the new exhaust and the seafood, where you goin? Spoons?;););)
I actually had big prawn salad for starters toady and it was lovley, as wifey is allergic to fish as we never have it at home. (Followed by steak I could have cut wiv a fork.)
Been bloody hot though!
Leaving wine in car, too hot to unload and sort if afore tomoz!:)

I love prawns, not spoons my mate works for a seafood company so I get free stuff :cool:
It rained all the way up then it turned out nice so we sat up the view point the wifey's
had fish suppers we had mussels langoustine & lobster a couple of oysters oh & the
left over half cod n chips :D
Couple of pics from the Oban trig point........


Isle of mull at the top

Little island to the right is called Maiden island story has it that some man took his fiancé to
the island & left her there to die, so its bad luck to set foot on it as you will never get married...
Fookin blessing if you ask me lol :D

I love prawns, not spoons my mate works for a seafood company so I get free stuff :cool:
It rained all the way up then it turned out nice so we sat up the view point the wifey's
had fish suppers we had mussels langoustine & lobster a couple of oysters oh & the
left over half cod n chips :D
Couple of pics from the Oban trig point........
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Isle of mull at the top
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Little island to the right is called Maiden island story has it that some man took his fiancé to
the island & left her there to die, so its bad luck to set foot on it as you will never get married...
Fookin blessing if you ask me lol :D
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Nice pics!
Looks like you had a nice day out!:):):)

Wish I'd had that idea with my Ex when she was my fiancée!:D:D:D In fact, we met in 1979 in France, she came over to the uk the following summer and we drove around Scotland for a week. Rain and mist the whole time. Spent two days on Skye.
Then back to Bristol where I proposed in a mad moment about a week later. Shoulda done it tother way round and then took her to Maiden island. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Nice pics!
Looks like you had a nice day out!:):):)

Wish I'd had that idea with my Ex when she was my fiancée!:D:D:D In fact, we met in 1979 in France, she came over to the uk the following summer and we drove around Scotland for a week. Rain and mist the whole time. Spent two days on Skye.
Then back to Bristol where I proposed in a mad moment about a week later. Shoulda done it tother way round and then took her to Maiden island. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:[/QUOTE

Haha do you fancy a wee boat trip to that wee island babe..... see ya ye auld trout lol
Skye is nice my mate went the other day as he is a Macleod & went to Dunvegan castle
The seat of the Macleod's paid 28 quid to get in & the castle was all boarded up he was not
a happy bunny lol
Nice pics!
Looks like you had a nice day out!:):):)

Wish I'd had that idea with my Ex when she was my fiancée!:D:D:D In fact, we met in 1979 in France, she came over to the uk the following summer and we drove around Scotland for a week. Rain and mist the whole time. Spent two days on Skye.
Then back to Bristol where I proposed in a mad moment about a week later. Shoulda done it tother way round and then took her to Maiden island. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Haha do you fancy a wee boat trip to that wee island babe..... see ya ye auld trout lol
Skye is nice my mate went the other day as he is a Macleod & went to Dunvegan castle
The seat of the Macleod's paid 28 quid to get in & the castle was all boarded up he was not
a happy bunny lol
Ho ho ho, A Scotsman charging a family member to enter his home, that is boarded up! Must do that to some of my family members.
"Hi bruv, how are you? Come in, sit down, cup o tea? That'll be £5 and biscuits are extra!"

Haha :D
I thought it was hilarious, he kept it quiet but his misses told me he through his dolly right out
the pram lol
Haha :D
I thought it was hilarious, he kept it quiet but his misses told me he through his dolly right out
the pram lol
I bet! Praps he'll go to the next clan gathering and moon them all.
Oops, that is probably what they all do anyway. such is Highland dancing!

But Skye is lovely. spent two nights on the campsite at Portree, bet that's changed if it is still there.

Also spent a night at Boat of Garten. Funny name that. wondered why it was so called, then we found out. It rained so much we practically needed a boat to get out of the site! Tent was so sodden I actually took a pic of it before taking it down.
Spent next night in Edinburgh where there was, luckily, a gale blowing. Had to tie the tent to the car to stop it blowing away. Twas an old Bukta frame tent, it had shrunk so much in the car during the day I had to go round the tent 7 times pegging it out at bit further each time as the canvas dried and expanded again!
I would just like to spare a thought for our @derwendolly on this most difficult of days.
Me too. There seems to be a lot of sadness on this forum at times. But DD has always had my respect and I just wish I could find something sensible and sensitive to say. For a wordy bugre it is at times like these that words fail me.