David J. Allen
"Brandon Sommerville" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 10:01:31 -0700, Bill Funk <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> >On Sun, 07 Dec 2003 16:07:44 GMT, Brandon Sommerville
> ><[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >>>The notion that our rights are granted by the community is un-American.
> >>>Literally. In the monarchies of the past, rights were derived from the
> >>>monarch. They were the gods of their subjects. Communism claims all
> >>>eminate from the government or 'proletariet'.
> >>
> >>It's ironic that it's considered un-American, due to the fact that
> >>it's the American community that grants these rights. The state is
> >>limited by agreement in what it can or cannot take away from the
> >>people.
> >
> >This is an interesting concept; some rights are granted by the
> >community (the right to drive, for example), while others are
> >guaranteed (and recognized as existing absent any government) by the
> >government, such as, for example, the right to life.
> >
> >What is pecularly a concept of democratic forms of government is that
> >the community itself, and not the government, can grant rights.
> >The government can only codify them.
> And the rights that Americans view as "God given" are derived from the
> original framework of what America is. Under that agreement that
> formed the state were some rights that the state is not allowed to
> take away. Remove the state however and those rights no longer exist.
Not true. They always exist in principle. They just aren't protected.
> --
> Brandon Sommerville
> remove ".gov" to e-mail
> Definition of "Lottery":
> Millions of stupid people contributing
> to make one stupid person look smart.