"David J. Allen" <dallen03NO_SPAM@sanNO_SPAM.rr.com> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Now you're going over the edge. Extreme environmentalists have written a
> check against science that has insufficient funds to cash. A true scientist
> would not entangle himself with left wing politics and recognize the
> limitations of the current state of science. There's a nexus between
> extreme environmentalism and anti-capitalist/anti-corporate politics. You
> can see it in the anti-corporate, anti-global trade demonstrations. You can
> see it in the Kyoto protocol. You can see it in the Green party platform.
> Lefties have been waving around the terms "moral" and "science" in a whole
> new way, redefined to fit their points of view and replace traditional
> definitions. The argument on global warming and what to do about it would
> be more productive if it only were just a scientific discussion.
Interesting syllogism.
Most climatologists, geologists, etc. agree with the general concept
of manmade global warming, though disagree on details, and this model
and its implications are an issue to leftists (among others).;
Leftists demonstrate against corporations.
Therefore, climatologists, geologists, etc. who find results that
support manmade global warming are politically motivated.
> Now you're going over the edge. Extreme environmentalists have written a
> check against science that has insufficient funds to cash. A true scientist
> would not entangle himself with left wing politics and recognize the
> limitations of the current state of science. There's a nexus between
> extreme environmentalism and anti-capitalist/anti-corporate politics. You
> can see it in the anti-corporate, anti-global trade demonstrations. You can
> see it in the Kyoto protocol. You can see it in the Green party platform.
> Lefties have been waving around the terms "moral" and "science" in a whole
> new way, redefined to fit their points of view and replace traditional
> definitions. The argument on global warming and what to do about it would
> be more productive if it only were just a scientific discussion.
Interesting syllogism.
Most climatologists, geologists, etc. agree with the general concept
of manmade global warming, though disagree on details, and this model
and its implications are an issue to leftists (among others).;
Leftists demonstrate against corporations.
Therefore, climatologists, geologists, etc. who find results that
support manmade global warming are politically motivated.