Bill Putney
"Daniel J. Stern" wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, David J. Allen wrote:
> > Marriage is relevent in the traditional sense.
> The plus-50 percent failure rate of marriage as currently defined gives
> lie to this statement.
> DS
And therefore what? (1) Therefore allowing gays to get married will fix
it, or (2) Therefore, since no one has respect for the institution of
marriage, we should finish the job of destroying it by allowing gays to
"get married", or (3) Therefore, since no one has respect for the
insitution of marriage, why should or would anyone care that we are
proposing to deal it the final blow?
Brandon seemed to me to be using the "It's a failed institution,
therefore to fix it, gays ought to be allowed to get married" the other
day, but he denied that that was his logic. What I'm getting at is,
what does the fact that you think it's a failed insitution have to do
with your belief that gays ought to be allowed to get married? You must
think the gays will fix it, or why would you want to be part of such a
failed concept?
I think David Allen hit the proverbial nail on the head when he wrote:
"I think gay marriage would be fertile ground for unintended
consequenses. Marriage is relevent in the traditional sense. It
doesn't make sense for same sex other than a statement or 'cause'."
That certainly seems to be the case with the repeat of the "50% divorce
rate" and "failed institution" claims. Otherwise, what's the purpose of
claiming that repeatedly in a discussion on gays "getting married" if
that's not part of the justification?
Bill Putney
(to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
address with "x")
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