Hertfordshire Lanes?????

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Well just got back from playing pool with Gibbo Phil, I got my ass wooped big style. Damn Note to remember never bet on a pool game with Phil!.
it wasnt as hot to day so not that many out and about :p

just been out for a drive in the 90 and notice a slight whinning noise. got back home and checked diff levels. front one is really low. i mean cant even feel the oil level with my finger! does any one know if there a gasket in between the diff housing and the axel housing? as i believe its been off before as theres easy gasket coming out around it and its weaping oil.
cheers dale
There should be a paper gasket.
If its weeping oil. its a fair bet that it shouldn't be. Spyderman knows more about series III than I do but generally if you open up the filler on the diff and EP90 does not drip out there is a major issue!
Hi Dale,

It does indeed have a gasket. I wouldn't bother with any sealant or gasket stuff unless its a desperate hillside/emergancy repair in which case decent RTV silicone would probably be ok until you could get a propper gasket.
Just ask for a diff bango gasket I would think they are around £2.

Also worth noting:
I know you say that there is some kind of instant gasket stuff you can see but don't assume its comming from the bottom gasket it may also be or only coming from diff pinion input seal. This is a very common problem and takes about 15 mins to change a seal.

To change the front diff bango gasket you will need to pull out both sides easiest way is to pull both axle ends off. You will need to disconnect the braking system so that you can pull the whole assy out. You only need to pull the shafts out a bit to get the diff out but to replace the gaskets on the axle ends you will need to extract the whole shaft. I did this on a 90 a month or so ago. When his pinion broke off and got wedged in the bottom of the diff locking it up solid. Its also worth checking any seals in the stub axle or axle tube depending on model and year but they could also be replaced if found to be faulty or damaged when extracting the shaft.
right drove to wales yesterday, just got through the toll and the clutch started messing up again, feels like its sticking slightly, very high bite point and if i put my foot down the power isnt transferred to the wheels, it just revs so you really have to nurse it to get anywhere

anyone got any ideas?
Lanes this evening...
Not many offers as yet. i would call a few of you, but I am lacking phone numbers... I think i'll pm my number to those of you who i know....
Spyderman - I don't appear to have your number, so call me if you want to go out.
Phil/ B3aker/ Booger... anyone???

I was thinking of Hitchin and surrounding areas?
Gooney, in answer to your question...

When you start to ask how much clout the RA has, it is necessary to look at the type of people that the RA counts as members. Most of the members are run of the mill walkers who use the RA resources to enhance their own hobby... nothing wrong with that. It is the governing body of the association, however, that pose the most threat to other users of the countryside.

Those people tend to be higher income; higher profile members of the organisation who have access to MPs for lobbying purposes. They have a superb command of the english language as used in politics (not to be confused with the straight talking we find at grass roots forum level here), and the influence to ensure that their opinions are noted by their local council members as well as their local MPs.

They do tend to have one failing though. The ramblers association is not a popular group among land owners, especially farmers. Mt own rsearch this week has highlighted a couple of cases where ramblers are trying to sue farmers for the actions of cows on their farms, when they appeared to take a defensive stance to protect their newborn.

I have spoken to a local farmers wife who complains bitterly about finding ramblers sitting in their garden, using their personal picnic table to eat their lunch and dropping litter all over their garden, simply because their garden has a gate at one end! This is not an exageration I assure you and it happened in Toddington a village just a couple of miles away from me.

The RA is, without doubt, the body of people who pose almost the most threat to our beloved passtime.

The other body of people are the assholes. The rogue drivers and motorcyclists who have been described before and will be again I am sure. These are the people who give the RA the ammunition they need.

With the right ammunition, and the degree of influence the RA has at its disposal, we face an almost insurmountable obstacle. While the Green Laning community stands so fragmented we don't have a chance in hell.
So they use the "old boy network" then?Shame cos that is amazingly effective.Land access issues have always been up for contention with walkers, espcially those with dogs.And its clear who the favor lies with, ya can shoot the dogs if there being a nuisance.
The assholes are also a real threat.I have driven lanes that i probbaly shouldnt have, and i dear say the same for most laners on here. But its the assholes that go out deliberately ragging the lanes that are gonna kill us.Type Viking way into Youtube and you'll see waht i mean.Its disgraceful.
Totty watch: M25 very good today, lots heading to v festival, so I don't mind sitting in stationary traffic! :-D
:mad:First year in 5 i aint going.:mad::mad:Rubbish!
From what we saw on one of the lanes across a moor in Derbyshire, it was disgraceful where some idiots had gone off piste tearing up the moor. The lane was superb in it's own right. I'd crush their motors.
From what we saw on one of the lanes across a moor in Derbyshire, it was disgraceful where some idiots had gone off piste tearing up the moor. The lane was superb in it's own right. I'd crush their motors.
As you turn right onto stanage after the car park?Thats a challenging enough lane!:doh:I can understand why we got dodgy stares as we did that, but we didnt go off piste.Your right get em crushed.The scrap value would pay for a plod to sit on the lane policing it.
Lanes this evening...
Not many offers as yet. i would call a few of you, but I am lacking phone numbers... I think i'll pm my number to those of you who i know....
Spyderman - I don't appear to have your number, so call me if you want to go out.
Phil/ B3aker/ Booger... anyone???

I was thinking of Hitchin and surrounding areas?

Thanks for the offer Dave, but the one landy is broken and the other one is also broken..... :(

The one is going to hospital tomorrow for a heart transplant, 200tdi yea baby :p
right drove to wales yesterday, just got through the toll and the clutch started messing up again, feels like its sticking slightly, very high bite point and if i put my foot down the power isnt transferred to the wheels, it just revs so you really have to nurse it to get anywhere

anyone got any ideas?

Leaky slave cylinder maybe? mine was a bit like that when it was on its way out.
It's not broken at the moment, just got a wee leak in the PTO box somewhere.

Oh and the Dogs a Basset, Was easier to clip the winch cable to her than my brother! :D