Hertfordshire Lanes?????

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Not going to be there on this occasion. Spent some time doing stuff to the motors today. Kev very kindly weled a small patch on the inside of the wheelarch at the rear, as well as effecting a short term fix on the suspension turret. He kindly helped me get the wheel assy back into place as well. That means a trip to pick up some new brake pads tomorrow and that part should be done. Just the starter to put into place tomorrow and we could be rocking and rolling!

Of course then its time to get funky with the tracking and remote control system. That's gonna be fun. I am trying to decide whether I want to disable the ignition from my mobile phone, or trigger a 9 inch spike cunningly hidden beneath the driver's seat if the vehicle gets nicked!

Hi Ryder ... You got all your disco done yet ?
Off course your welcom mate, and as for recovery set of mud tyres and its all down to the driver from then on and as it goes i recon u can drive buddie. will be up for it i no few good river crossings up there may need to get a snorkal mate. :D

all i need is my new tyres which i have and a snorkel next month maybe and im ready to go doing mot this week needs brake pipe doing and maybe the discs and im ready so nice not to have something with no rot on or near it and a td now hope ya well mate once its ready i will shout ya and come down few lanes
Hi all been working on mine again tonight and looks like the rear main oil seal has gone again! :mad:

It was only done about 4 months ago :eek: . Really thinking about getting rid of it as i cant afford to keep repairing it but at the same time cant afford another motor!

Oh well may see you about soon hopefully
Hi all been working on mine again tonight and looks like the rear main oil seal has gone again! :mad:

It was only done about 4 months ago :eek: . Really thinking about getting rid of it as i cant afford to keep repairing it but at the same time cant afford another motor!

Oh well may see you about soon hopefully

There's me thinking land rovers were realiable lmao
Its damn confusing u guys not running land rovers !! oh well guess its pot luck if u get a good one or not ;)
Mine is a fully rebuilt engine with all new parts, seals, bearings, piston rings, valve guides, injectors, injector pump, valve grind. Poxy Paddocks crappy oil seal.:mad:
The Engine stands me in about £1,500. Lucky I stopped it in time, without damage.