Ask Any Old Git (ceptin fer lord slob)

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slob said:
because dear boy as you are aware all land animals originally came from the sea. so we all smelt mlike fish once. but as men are far more advanced than wimin we have lost the tang of halibut, whereas wimin ain't, which is why they still smell like a two day old trout

rite, this is war :mad: i am surprised that you are advanced enuff to have developed a sence of smell. at least wimmin don't smell like a greek sewer, speak outta their backsides and keep their brains in their trousers....... mind you, have fellas developed brains yet or are they stll at the hunter-gather stage!:p
well you obleahusly can't read cos it very clearly says 'ask slob' as the header fer this purtickular fred. you must be a might disconbobulated.(or jist a wimin)
what you need is the 'slag men orf fred', which we ain't got
it's to do wiff msines, and colour differenciattion. as you know when you mix a load of colour you get black
so if yer body is takin in a lot of colours in yer food ,drink, and what every yous been breathin then the out put must be black.
well as ye no yer poo is brown so it must be missin a colour otherwise it would be black.
now here the audience partitepating part.....take some poo and mix some green into it...what ya got?? .
black so the green has to go somewheres. you end up witff green snot... qed
jings!! another easy one
god's a bloke ..right?
it stands to reason that there must be a missus god that used to play wiff his nipples
now if we're made in his image then they are there for the soul porpose of wimin playing wiff them.
Widget said:
So why is jizz the colour it is then?

so you don't get confused and also what else do you think they would put on the faces of luminous watches.

and don't even think about telling me its not jizz on the face either
Dear Snot
Why do some people find the use of FFS, LOL and like offensive and others find the use of other letters offensive. Is it still offensive if it is actually nothing more than four letters with a space between them?