Thank you Fritze. Any Oil is better than no oil at all!

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New Member
Thank you Fritze. My Late Old Friend Gerald Blick who mended more Morri Thous, for under £30.00p than I ever will also Scramblers, Motor Bikes ,Vans, Chainsaws, trucks and tractors etc told me of his "Old Man" in the REME recovering British Trucks from Tobruk etc all through to Al Elmien by Draining out the Oil from "Downed" Panzer Tank gearboxes, Back Axles and Sumps! He would top up and "Service them" wrap some big rope around the tyre less Wheels and "Get em Back" to the "Depot" at Tobruk or the Like!
Then he would receive a telling off from the Depot Sargent for treating the Kings Kit with such distain to which Being a Sarg of equal rank, he would point out that at least he had a Truck to moan about! Marvellous men! Gerald taught me to be patient somehow (Most Times) and mend things no matter what they were! I went on to mend Nuclear Powe stations etc
So this leads me to us who are now lucky enough to have Cars and Trucks that we can put the right oil into! My Petrol/LPG Gas Range Rover 2002 Vouge SE P38 V8 Auto has just had a Replacement "Golden Inside" V8 4.6ltre Engine fitted by Mark of The Range Rover Graveyard at New Cros, Abergavenny, Lampeter and she is "Going Like a Train now! I cannot praise Mark enough for his excelent work! I now have an "Alive" Range Rover after She just suddenly cried enough on the Motorway one Wet Afternoon at 134k!! It is like coming out of a "Mare"! Mark has advised me to Oil her up with Morrisons 10W40 Mineral, Multigrade Classic Motor Oil! Not Semi Synthetic Fully Synthetic Oil but the "Full Works Morrisons and I will be OK!" So it is done so from now on and evermore! This info should help us all. Now all I have to do is get rid of "The Three Amigos" that have just appeared! Any way! I am now "Out of it" thanks to Mark! I have my Range Rover Back! Rob. O Gloucestershire.
I tend to fill things up with what the manufacturer states should go in it. I figure they should know better than some bloke 'down the pub/end of our street/local garage/internet experts' etc
ALl! I can say is you Have a higher tolerance than I for nonsense! 3 Lines in To Using My eyesticles To reAd! The typeWriTten NonsenSe Above I gave Up 😉
Yes, but have you never gone onto a forum looking for an answer to a question and seen person A say one thing and person B say the complete opposite and then person C claim they are BOTH wrong then person D agree with C except that C is wrong as well and then the next sixtythree pages are full of others agreeing with one and slagging off the others for being brain dead?
Youtube is even worse! I remember seeing an article titled something like 'ten uses for WD40'. One of which was to stop ice forming on your winscreen. Yes, spray your windscreen with WD40! Fortunately it was in America so hopefully no Brits were harmed through crashing through not being able to clear the screen when it got wet 🤣🤣