Today has been "mixed" to say the least.
W's stoma is now doing more or less what it should,

but there are still complications. However we have now managed to squeeze stoma bags of a different type out of Bournemouth Hospicle.
Trying to do the best thing over all this, and get people to communicate with us, took all morning and a bit of the afternoon, plus my having to drive there and back, in the rush hour.
So I got started on the Disco's gearbox.
Or I would have if it didn't fall at the first fence.
I came in fuming and verbalising, W said straight away, "Was it the sump plug? " Shock horror! She is starting to get mechanicals!

Anyway, yep the stoopid Allen key plug decided to no longer turn with the correct sized Allen-key bit.
Shocked at this as it was OK last time I did the job and I doubt it had had it done more than a few times if ever before it came to me.
And to make matters worse, it was such a fight for rotund old me to get under the mochine that I managed to drop the next size up Allen-key bit on my big sized gravel, so that's temporarily not available. Time was getting on, all I intended to do by that time of the day was to leave the thing to drain but had to pack it in.
No spare sump plug in the kit of stuff I bought so had to order one and LR parts don't have one on the shelf. So one is slowly wending its way.
I could of course simply remove the sump, messy but not impossible and it would then go back on, but that is not what I want to do. I could also then remove the plug more easily, hopefully. Local motoabitz might have a plug that fits as well. Very tempted to weld a nut to it!
We'll see, if it stays dry tomorrow.
So if anyone has a neater way of removing an Allen-key bolt with rounded off hole, I am all ears!!

My bro also tells us that he is back in hospical for a second operation on his ticker (ablation) after the first one wasn't done properly. Apparently this time he will have the "top bloke" doing it. Always better to have the engine driver rather than the oily rag.
Oh and, surprise surprise, the engine warning light has come back on again on W's car. Only to be expected.
Still, it is Friday night so apéro followed by a dins. !!
Have a good evening folks.