Well could have been wuss.
Could have been (Pope) George Ringo. that'd have been weird.
Imagine what is like in my game.
There are precisely 3 days in the year when you can start a new job.
First day of each term.
Which is why when a job needs to be filled ads come out at the same time, interviews become a log-jam.
Imagine if you live in Edinburgh and got a job in London, starting in January.
You'd have to finish your existing job in December, move across Christmas and New Year.
And this is also how some total no hopers get lucky enough to get a job they never should get.
Like my last Head of Faculty. Her ex-boss said she wouldn't put her in charge of a year 9 class.
I cannot remember why it happened but there was a screw up over advert placement etc. so precisely 2 candidates were interviewed. Her, who had never even been second in a dept, and another old wimmins returning to the classroom after a long time away who really wasn't in touch anymore.
She detested me on sight, which is strange as I got on with all my colleagues and there were 150 of us.
But then she couldn't really speak French or do grammar, (she'd been joint honours French and Italian and she much preferred Italian. Which she had taught in a boy' s Grammar until being made redundant.)
I used to really enjoy talking fast colloquial French with my lovely French colleague. She had no idea what we were on about!
So how long did you last as a Yorkie Muncher??!!