Hi, I'm new as a member to this sight but been viewing for a few yrs with help on other stuff. But my td5 disco is beginning to test me now

thought you might be able to point me in the right direction because you seem to know your stuff.
It's got a starting issue! This is what it's had so far
Injector harness
Injector seals (twice)
Starter motor
Air bleed valve
Battery tested
In tank pump (vdo)
Fuel lines checked with pressure gauge attached an running just over 4 bar.
In the morning it's a pig to start an the same when I get back in it after work. Or when it's been left for over 30mins it's a pig to start. Sometimes I can run in a shop come out and it takes a few winds then. Everybody tells me get rid but I need to see this through :-/
Thanks for any help you can offer.