It was brush painted in Olive Drab, used to be Carrigada/Ardennes metallic green, which in fairness was a great colour for it anyway.
Super great thread mate.... Your a mind full of knowledge and experience... Yourself and Green Hornet have been the inspiration for me sorting my Disco. Took the screaming leap in to the freezing waters of Disco restoration this past weekend.... not warmed up yet. Also its nothing personal but my wife hates you :D...
Yes I've learned to keep a stern, studious look on my face whilst looking at the forum... I once made the mistake of saying "you gotta see this".... :suspicious: ... yeah that was clever!!

Don't worry I think your safe as she read it "Mr Nosy"... :tea: So i now get "you looking at that Nosy site again"... wonders off *mumbling* bloody landrovers......
It's a dangerous place to hang out cos you'll start getting itchy trigger finger on eBay :p

AHHH!!! thats what it is!!... now I understand why my finger is doing that... also understand why she insists on taking the laptop to bed and leaving my wish list on display... :eek: .... Sorry didn't mean to lower the tone of your thread............. much..... :bolt:

Ebay should come with a warning like alcohol... Click Responsibly!!! Never use when drunk!! .......
It's a dangerous place to hang out cos you'll start getting itchy trigger finger on eBay :p

Mine was standard before I read your thread. I hold you wholly responsible Sam! I'm in the middle of replacing my rear wheel bearings as I type this. That's your fault too!
Clean, tidy and ready to refit :)



looks well smart that
Thank you gennulmen :)

Has been a bit quiet on the mr noisy front recently due to breaking the car in various places a few weeks back at an (incredible) off road site, and being busy trying to move into a new place the car has taken a back seat, it has been washed and I have a pile of parts ready to fit but so far it still has one wing mirror and a broken indicator, also I am plaguing to fit a disco 200tdi speedo cable so that I can fit a blue speedo gear (v8 cable only accepts black speedo gear :eek:)

An injector failed aswell so that left me on 7 cylinders a few hundred miles from home. Was a bit funky at low revs but on the motorway you couldn't tell!

I now have 3 spare injectors and a full set of Megasquirt spares in the car aswell, I learnt the hard way!! :D

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