Being stuck superlocked you must be able to unlock the doors first with nanocom then you can disable the superlock but if the superlock motors don't respond to nanocom's body-security outputs nor to the trick with the wires then it's a brutal locksmith job to open the doors and replace all the actuators... get hold of nanocom and force the both superlock and lock motors to open in this menu
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Being stuck superlocked you must be able to unlock the doors first with nanocom then you can disable the superlock but if the superlock motors don't respond to nanocom's body-security outputs nor to the trick with the wires then it's a brutal locksmith job to open the doors and replace all the actuators... get hold of nanocom and force the both superlock and lock motors to openin on this menu
View attachment 335826
I will give these two options a go. Hopefully, I can make it work with either, otherwise what a shame to have to get rid of a car for this design flaw. Much appreciate the help @sierrafery
At the tail door splice into the pink/purple - pink/grey and try both polarity feeds if no joy try across pink/purple -pink/red

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