no worries, ive got enough on as it is at the minute anyway :)

chap wants me to build him a roll cage out of 3"... so thatll be fun!

Done too much today to be honest, sorted out my workshop and lifted my dr800 out of the corner on me own.. 220kg was a bit much... sore now. Workshop looks good now though all carpeted out and i started insulating it today as i noticed some of my tools had condensation on this morning.

Also managed to squeeze an engine change for my mates cruiser bike in, not too bad, 2 hours for a full engine swap.. but MMpppphhh... the odd scraped knuckle!

CFS is playing up now, normally im ok and can ignore it... but just done too much... will probably be unable to do anything for the next few days :(
Hey don't ever struggle chap, we're only down the road and either me or pat are around.

Just shout and we'll come lend a hand.
Ah its amazing the difference a set of freshly done Ujs makes isnt it. No more thinking "is the prop about to fall off?"

it has highlighted the next issue... which was masked by the noise and vibration of the ujs.

Steering left induces a sort of grumbly noise with slight vibration (but not too much) steering right is fine. Im suspecting a wheel bearing or such... its hard to tell where its coming from because its quite quiet.

Next job is fit the new winch bumper and spotlights, oh and fix the damn headlights... ive suddenly lost both dipped beams. i suspect its to do with me fitting 100w bulbs and the indicator / light stalk not liking it very much. I will be installing a set of HIDs instead in order to reduce the power going through the circuit. Ill probably run them through a relay just to be sure :) and new stalk is on its way.

Other little jobs for the week include sorting the reverse light out... its not working.. needs inverstigation if its the bulb / wiring / switch, also the right hand stop light and indicator isnt working... I hate wiring!!!!

At the weekend I shall be picking up my new bonnet and delivering the fibreglass one to redhand.. and the canvass hood and hoops for my mrs series 3! Setting off on friday night and sleeping in the car down in cornwall.. its going to be a **** night!

On my return on sat itll be a case of installing the RTC damper and a black aluminium front grill to replace the silver one i have on it. Hopefully some tree sliders will be here by then so i can get them on and the electric fan if i can find the mounting kit that i put "somewhere safe"

Other major job on the cards is the huge lag in the transmission with an associated "CLONK" i dunno if this is the A bar ball joint yet... it looks to be at a very steep angle which considering its on standard height suspension... doesnt look right. I havent bothered to try and shove it with a crow bar yet.

ordered some body panels to be able to reproduce in carbon fibre yesterday. First project is a windscreen panel - as my windscreen is cracked and the rubber is perished and its a pretty simple panel. I am going to be using a lost foam technique on it, although i wont be getting ride of the foam afterwards, ill retain it to enhance the composites strength. :) ait weighs naff all too. Just got to build mesen a hot wire cutter this week as i really cant be arsed with cutting foam with a knife anymore. Ive got to put 50 square meters of foam insulation in the house too over the next few weeks so itll get used for that.
Dont drink tea! :p vile vile stuff. Or coffee for that matter... or beer!

Itll be alreet... just the family life will have to suffer! :rolleyes: should be amusing on the sunday... i will get to meet the my mrs ex husband for the first time. He wasnt allowed near the house for the past year due to some court order but its ran out... so to see the kids we had to take them to their grandparents blah blah...

should be funny though, im just waiting for him to say one thing wrong so i can give me a right kicking... the **** pulled graces arm out of her socket when she was just 3 because he lost his temper because she was crying and wouldnt stop. Also doesnt pay a penny toward looking after them (im not bothered mind) and basically lies his arse off to the CSA to avoid anything. Just a weasily tosser really. We like rubbing his nose in it how well my mrs is doing now ... passing her car test, taking her master degree, starting own business etc... just fun :)

Can i treat him as a burglaring tresspasser if he says owt ? :rolleyes:

Ohhh sorry off topic a bit there!...

I like the bigger projects anyway, so far all the things i have done have been little thing... mainly to get it to be liveable with!... the bigger stuff will come ones all these little things are done, namely carbon fibre body panels and double super long travel coilover suspension on all corners :) I cannot be bothered with all this shock relocation points, long springs, spacers, etc etc lark. Lets just do it proper.

8 remote reservoir coilovers purlease! I will probably use protech ones as i have used them quite a bit in the past and they are great value for money and very helpful chappies.

Not quite sure what to do about this gearbox - engine problem though... with most of the holes not lining up... never done a gearbox conversion (and i wouldnt do one like this!) i need to sort it though so it stops leaving its deposits on the floor like an old decrepid ****ting itself labrador or something.
well i just won a double cab with doors, bonnet and rear tub... ok they are off a 130 but itll do!
yeah i know, im hoping its just the hi cap tub thats the wrong size ... but just you watch someone correct me now....

if it will fit, ill just chop down the hi cap tub a bit and ill be away!

then i can slowly copy many of the parts in carbon fibre :)
rather bloody annoyingly some chap literally 2 miles from my house has just listed a conversion on ebay!
Could always offer him back listing fees and cancel transaction then leave +ve feedback as a good will gesture and so he doesn't get seller fee's ?
nearby seller wants quite a bit more though... and its without the rear doors (which seem to fetch mega dough!)

i dont like pulling out of deals too.. so will stick with the original deal. :)
Ok this is a major conundrum now....

The seller has offered me the chassis of the 130 at a great price, with the id and v5 etc.
But otherwise stripped, so no axles or wiring or suspension etc etc etc.

However, i have my blue 90 that i was going to sell (and probably only get around £1500 for it). Im now thinking, do i buy the chassis and rob all the bits from my 90 (inc the 300 tdi) and make my dream 130? I have had a yearning after one forever but never been able to afford one.

Biggist issue though.... i dont have a drive!

So this would mean getting the chassis and cab delivered on a trailer to the street ... and very very quickly getting it on the axles and suspension of the 90, in the region of 12 hours!

Free beers and as many bacon sarnies and bbq food as you can eat to those that fancy a day of stripping a landy haha.

This would allow me to keep the 110 as a sort of hybrid 3 door crew cab, make some custom panels to tidy it up to meet the original dimensions with entry into the back via the front doors, and I would let the mrs have it.

I would then get the 130 :D

We do need a big standy out vehicle for a new business venture we are putting together for her, and a 130 would be perfect for this!!
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