I have identified the chassis loom. It was damaged add had been by passed with additional cables. I've removed all of them and done a better repair on the original wires. It's all wrapped in cloth tape and now ready to be pulled through the chassis.

I'm looking at this outrigger under the second seat row floor plate and wondering why it's not supporting the tub in any way. Is there a bracket missing ?
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It's all wrapped in cloth tape and now ready to be pulled through the chassis.
I wouldn't pull it through the chassis. I would put it in conduit and run it along the top of the chassis rail with the fuel and brake pipes. it is then easier access for future repair and is just as protected from damage. I have done it on both of mine and know several others on here have done the same.
I'm looking at this outrigger under the second seat row floor plate and wondering why it's not supporting the tub in any way. Is there a bracket missing ?
I am not as familiar with the station wagons as the hard tops as have only just acquired one and not yet started my rebuild but is it number 14 that is missing?

I am not as familiar with the station wagons as the hard tops as have only just acquired one and not yet started my rebuild but is it number 14 that is missing?

View attachment 312586
Yes exactly that part. I can now see where they were fitted before. The answer to every question I ask seems to cost over £100. So many parts missing and im only just starting ! Where are you getting these drawings from ? None of this info is in my Haynes manual.

Where are you getting these drawings from ? None of this info is in my Haynes manual.

LINK download the PDF Part Catalogue 1987 onwards. That is what I use. think this version only goes up to '94 so not sure what age yours is but mine are all older than that so it works for me.

There are other online resource other will point you to but I have always used the land rover part catalogue I have linked. there is also the full land rover workshop manual on the same page which is far more detailed than Haynes. and also other supplementary manuals like the water ingress manual for when you are finished and it still leaks because it is a land rover!

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