Ultimately if you have a good job already, doing a few jobs on the side regularly is a helpful earner.

Way I'm going I might cut down to a 4 day week to get other stuff in
cos mr migs cornerd the market already;)

With pigeon **** :eek: ?????

Even I with no experience can see he's got it turned up too high

I'd think too high and not enough wire feed so hitting and breaking instantly or too low and too much wire feed so its kinda popping against the metal as it hits, breaking off the wire further up

Way to do it is get some scrap of the same gauge and then practice with a couple of passes just to make sure the welds look good, I know I need D-4 with 75 wire feed using .8mm wire in order to do that 5mm-5mm box and sheet I was welding earlier
Been and had a look today and tbh the guy wants fooking shooting. Anyway hopefully a solution can be found to make sure it all pans out well.

Does make me wonder that if he is making a living with this crap, I may just have to join in lol. Landie Restoration Limited...............our service 'Above and Beyond' (see what I did there??)
Been and had a look today and tbh the guy wants fooking shooting. Anyway hopefully a solution can be found to make sure it all pans out well.

Does make me wonder that if he is making a living with this crap, I may just have to join in lol. Landie Restoration Limited...............our service 'Above and Beyond' (see what I did there??)

go for it mate,nothing to lose,but a lot to gain.;)
why did you stop four times doing that small weld run??????????????:p

It would appear my gloves weren't as fire proof as they should have been……….

And with the welder turned up to near max to cope with the 8-10mm overall thickness, well…….. you know where I'm going with that :(
It would appear my gloves weren't as fire proof as they should have been……….

And with the welder turned up to near max to cope with the 8-10mm overall thickness, well…….. you know where I'm going with that :(

so, you weren't wearing the correct gear and hadn't anchored yourself on a suitable steady surface to do the run in one go!!

i see :) :p
so, you weren't wearing the correct gear and hadn't anchored yourself on a suitable steady surface to do the run in one go!!

i see :) :p

Nout wrong with the surface its a 2x1 steel table which earths the lot so no need for clamps ;)

I'll be bringing my new set of lovely green gauntlets tomorrow :D might mean I don't cook my left index finger again! :eek: strange how quickly the buggers wear out if you use them a lot…….…may buy the ones that aren't £3 next time too :rolleyes:
Nout wrong with the surface its a 2x1 steel table which earths the lot so no need for clamps ;)

I'll be bringing my new set of lovely green gauntlets tomorrow :D might mean I don't cook my left index finger again! :eek: strange how quickly the buggers wear out if you use them a lot…….…may buy the ones that aren't £3 next time too :rolleyes:

;) good welding actually.....just yanking your chain mate
;) good welding actually.....just yanking your chain mate

Cheers but its not where I want it to be though :( cos I've had to turn the power up to max in order to get penetration on that thickness I cant put a nice weave on it too easily and then leave it un dressed.

I quite like the look of having it done with an overlapping n although probably wouldn't look quite right on these :p unlike a bike frame
God you vigilante bunch, I'm glad I'm on the good side of the forum.

I'm local to you and have some time as not working at the moment.

Hey GH just a thought, the Pope as resigned today, why don't you put yourself up for the job and build your own GreenHornet Pope mobile!!

Now that i would like to see, the pope driving through 4ft of ****ty water on sailbury plain!!:hysterically_laughi
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I think he is in plenty of **** now lol

I'm not religious but I thought that only god himself could call time on that role. Once again Germany can't beat Poland.

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