i'd let him come back and have a look, then explain exactly what's wrong with the job. If he agrees and offers to put it right at no extra cost, let him do it. If he argues, he obviously doesn't know what he's doing. In which case, tell him to go away and read this thread.

no proof - the job was paid for cash. He only needs to deny he did anything.
no proof he did the work, or was paid for it. :(.

best to try and come to some arrangement.

then call the VAT office :).

No there isn't a receipt but what I did find the other day was a voicemail saying the landline number it came from him announcing his name and saying the welding has all be finished and he'll be dropping the land rover off Saturday :) so this may count for something?!
No there isn't a receipt but what I did find the other day was a voicemail saying the landline number it came from him announcing his name and saying the welding has all be finished and he'll be dropping the land rover off Saturday :) so this may count for something?!

it proves he did some work, but unless it is stipulated somewhere as to what, it is worthless.
Sucks when stuff like this happens. Feel better about getting my own welder now and giving it ago. I dont think I can do much worse than that dude.
Sucks when stuff like this happens. Feel better about getting my own welder now and giving it ago. I dont think I can do much worse than that dude.

Tell me about it :/ yeah why not! Earn yourself from cash lol no doubt customer service would be better!!
Letter that is being sent to Mr Mig -

Dear Stacey, I am writing to you regarding welding work you carried out on my Land Rover Discovery (J717NJC) between December 2012 and February 2013.

It was agreed that you would carry out works to my vehicle as follows
- Light boxes
- Battery Tray
- Inner wings
- Outer wing support
- Crash panels on the inner wings
- Bulk head body mounts both sides
- Outer sills both sides
- New floor pans drivers side front and passenger side front (only partial drivers side was completed)
- Rear arches inside door shuts (both sides)
- Outer boot floor supports

The agreed price for all of this work to be carried out was £950 cash which was paid to you on 9th Feb 2013 when you delivered the vehicle at my previous address – *********

The next day I did send you a text explaining the work was not to a satisfactory standard and then called you the following day which was a Monday, you explained you would come over some time in the next week to have a look at the vehicle, I have not heard from you since this conversation we had.

This week I had a mechanic to come round and inspect the vehicle, he is also a qualified MOT tester and experienced welder, he has said that the work done to the front of the vehicle is dangerous and that the vehicle would not pass an mot nor would it be safe to even drive on a public road due to the method of welding that has been used, he has said that all the inner wings and crash panel should be seem welded in not tack welded, he even pulled on the support bar to see how strong it was and 2 of the welds gave way.

I have been advised to seriously consider taking legal action against you due to the fact if I had driven this vehicle and had become involved in an accident I could have been seriously injured or killed due to the fact structural parts of the vehicle have not been welded properly. I feel it only fair to offer you an alternate option before taking legal action.

At this time I feel there are 3 options

1 - You rectify the work to a satisfactory and safe standard within 14 days
2 – You give me a partial refund of £500 allowing you to keep £450 for your time working on the vehicle
3 – I seek more legal advice which will mean reporting this matter to trading standards, take a claim out through the small claims court which will mean a claim for the amount of £950 + costs I incur during this process.

If you wish to reply by means of letter my new address is –
My email address is – ****
Contact number which I believe you already have is ******

To clarify work that needs amending is
- Light boxes
- Battery Tray
- Inner wings
- Outer wing support
- Crash panels on the inner wings
- Hole in drivers side foot well that needs welding
- The new supplied body mount has just been welded over old rusty mount
- Rear arches need altering due to the fact the rear door will not shut properly
- All the welds need cleaning and dressing with an etch primer or red oxide as agreed would be done when the work was undertaken (you did explain after you had completed the work you had not done this due to the fact there was no point because I had plans to spray the vehicle however I did not plan to spray the vehicle until spring, which means in the meantime the welds that were done are rusting)
- Incomplete weld on outer part of boot floor
- Incomplete outer sill

Please also note metal has been welded over rust in some areas I would like the panels removed so the rust underneath can be cut out and treated properly to ensure the vehicle does not continue to rust.

Also you have failed to provide me with a receipt for the works carried out, please could you provide me with one at the earliest opportunity.

Please reply to this letter within 7 days of receipt, if I do not hear from you I will begin seeking further legal advice.


Adam Whitbread
This letter has been sent on the 25th February 2013 via Royal Mail recorded delivery.
just my point of view ............ if you had another person hwo carrys out the same sort of work and as you say is a mot tester why cant you ask them for a written report to backup your claim of substandard workmanship ........ i wouldnt bother writting to him just book an appointment at the small claims court doesnt give him much chance of packing up the bussiness then !
Feel so sorry for you Adam. But yeah you need to get full knowledge and legal advice primed and ready so that you can pounce on him when required.

What a ####ing tosser, as such he deserves the full weight of your angry stick.
Just some feedback on Mr Mig in Farnborough, gave him my disco 1 a little while ago and asked for:

new floor pans passenger and drivers side
new body mounts (bulk head)
new inner wings and head light enclosures
new rear arches
new outer boot floor edges to be welded in
sills replaced with box section

for this I was quoted £950 and I supplied all fabricated panels and metal

well... after checking the vehicle a week ago I asked to go and check his work, everything seemed to be going ok apart from the outer edges of the boot floor had been patched so i bought this up and he said oh well some of it is good metal so instead of replacing I have decided to only cut out rotted parts, I said I'm sorry but when you gave me a price it was agreed you would do this etc... so a week on the vehicle was due to be bought back early afternoon.. he took his time kept me waiting in all day then bought the vehicle back when it was dark, i realised straight away the passenger side floor pan had not been replaced but had only been patched, I bought this up and said why hasn't it been done? his answer was it did not need doing in his opinion

so i then said well if it does not need doing then surely you will be taking the price of this off of the bill along with the passenger side body mount you have not replaced? his answer was NO because he had done 'extra work' on the outer boot floor even though this was agreed in the original price, he then came close and said loudly LOOK ADAM is this going to be a problem? I said no not if you drop the charge for the floor pan and body mount, he would not budge a penny on the price, out of fear he may do something unsavory my parents gathered his money together and handed it to him.

On inspection this morning I have found there is still:
a hole in the drivers side footwell

none of the welds have been red oxided

the drivers side rear arch has been welded in wrong meaning the door cannot fully close

passenger side rear inner arch has not been welded at the bottom meaning there is a gap where water can get in

I have not had a chance to check the rest yet.

VERY VERY VERY unhappy I don't like giving bad feed back and had the job have been as we discussed when he gave the quote I would have given him more work and recommended him.

If you hire a welder get the quote in writing to avoid being shafted like I have just been :(
appeared friendly and professional at first couldn't have been nicer.. looks like that all went out the window as soon as he thought he may not get 100% of the quote..

He called around 2000 on Friday night saying he was dropping it off, I asked to come and check the work that had been carried out and he said 'no you can't everything is done as we discussed and I need the vehicle out of the way for another job'

If that job would of come to me it would of been a £300 to max £400 job 3 days work. Its only cutting out, clean area and weld new panels in :doh:
We need an update on this please.

Sorry guys been really busy recently! the letter was delivered to his home address 7 days ago and nothing has been heard, waiting for todays post to come in on the off chance he has bothered to send a reply!

I need to go to the CAB but Consumer advice have said next step is to sent a letter of intent to take legal action against him, but it looks like I may have to go to small claims court with this.

I shall wait for the post today to see what comes through.

and shall update this evening or when i have spoken to CAB.
If that job would of come to me it would of been a £300 to max £400 job 3 days work. Its only cutting out, clean area and weld new panels in :doh:

Shame I did not know about you when I was looking for a welder! at the time I was happy with the price being under the impression the vehicle would come back with no welding work needed at all for the next year or two.

Looks like I was wrong.

Oh well! lets hope this goes through small claims and I get a refund!

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