I've been reading this with interest. I'm fairly new to welding and I run a garage and know what it feels like to get on the wrong side of a group of forum members (even when you've not actually done anything wrong)

However, just because I can weld on my own car it doesn't mean I'd be happy to do so on a customer's car and charge for it. There is a huge difference between a competent amateur welder and someone offering welding services professionally. Looking at those photos, I could do better but my work still wouldn't be good enough for me to be happy to offer it as a service.

I honestly don't know whether I should feel sympathy for the guy cause he's being attacked by lots of people and he may feel he's done his best (That wasn't a justification btw, just an observation) Or to be really ****ed that he's making the rest of us mechanics look bad.

I guess I'd ask to see his qualifications...
Don't know him, probably never will.

But if MIG welding isn't something he's good at, calling himself Mr Mig is a little ill advised ;-)
Just an update - I have been told he is a qualified welder and claims to have worked with metal all of his life etc
I called him the other day to complain surprisingly his attitude from Saturday had changed however a refund is off the cards he "will come and have a look" to see if its stuff he should have done etc and will rectify it.

Now it's either let him do the work and risk having to rectify it or say no thanks and never having any more come back..

Green hornet has very kindly offered to help and looking at his truck he has done some great work! So I think I'm going to take him up on his offer.
That welding is shocking!!
I'm a novice welder and i'd do better than that!!

Looks like the guy has bought a cheaper MIG welder and is trying to earn a living - looking at the pics the guy hasn't got a clue!!!

Trading standards - give em a bell!!!
I think legally you should allow him the opportunity to rectify his work. You never know, might have had an apprentice on the job.
Just an update - I have been told he is a qualified welder and claims to have worked with metal all of his life etc
I called him the other day to complain surprisingly his attitude from Saturday had changed however a refund is off the cards he "will come and have a look" to see if its stuff he should have done etc and will rectify it.

Now it's either let him do the work and risk having to rectify it or say no thanks and never having any more come back..

Green hornet has very kindly offered to help and looking at his truck he has done some great work! So I think I'm going to take him up on his offer.
would mr hornet be prepared to be there as well while mr mig "has his look"?
and mebe between the 3 of yer come to an arrangement for satisfactory works?

and well done ian for stepping up and getting involved. i like to think i do the same up here, just i choose not to broadcast half of it. (have one in at the mo, tho its not landy related.....cheers storm99, immense amount of welding! :rolleyes:)
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In case any of you noticed, I originally typed vat man even though i meant tax man.

Kinda same thing though.

Guys a #### anyway.
I'd let him come back and have a look, then explain exactly what's wrong with the job. If he agrees and offers to put it right at no extra cost, let him do it. If he argues, he obviously doesn't know what he's doing. In which case, tell him to go away and read this thread.
I'd let him come back and have a look, then explain exactly what's wrong with the job. If he agrees and offers to put it right at no extra cost, let him do it. If he argues, he obviously doesn't know what he's doing. In which case, tell him to go away and read this thread.

Sensible idea and the way to go imo

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