What did you do with your Range Rover today

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1st major job done by myself ( with only minimal help from my personal mechanic aka brother in law ) changed front air bags and shocks on my new L322. 8 days in and £1000 extra spent. £500 for new removeable tow bar, £400 shocks, £100 icarsoft diagnostics.
Oh, but it was a sweet test drive. At the risk of putting the mockers on it, hopefully that will be it for a while. (Datatek, don't you dare say "I told you so, " ):D
Think you had better check your charge rate.

Checked charge rate. 13.8v at idle. So I am guessing the alternator is OK. Interesting that the thing starts much nicer from cold now. No problems with crossing my fingers and hoping, wait for heat cycle and strikes up. Going out on a limb that the old Bosch had **** the bed.
Bix, Charge rate should be checked at 2000rpm lights and everything on, not at idle.

Bollocks, I thought that was a bit easy. Does it show I am ****e with electrics? I will try and give it a crack before I go up to Scotland tomorrow. But I imagine it won't happen for 2 weeks now.

I didn't know I had to have lights on though, I always thought it was tested with **** turned off.
13.8V is enough to charge a normal battery. If it is kicking that out at idle it'll be kicking more out at 2000 rpm I'd have thought. Not ideal but I think he's probably all right.
I have said it many times, 13.8 volts is really not enough to keep a modern sealed battery fully charged, you may get by but the battery will have a short life. 14.2 volts is the minimum for L/C batteries fitted to cars, 14.5 to 14.8 volts is better.
Should be tested at 2K rpm.
Hitched the trailer, loaded the lawn tractor and went off to mow a mates grass. Had to be the P38 as the Transit struggles to get out of his place without the trailer, no chance with:rolleyes:
meh, really? I think p38's look a lot better without... especially one as clean as yours.

They are marmite i must admit. I fitted my rear guards with the non drill brackets so can always whip them off if i get bored with them & these front grills also come with the same brackets so couldn't resist.:D

PS, just been out for a spin, coming up the long steep hill near me put a grin on my face, new engine pulls like a loco without breaking a sweat.
finnally got round to finishing off my head gaskets between work. im pleased to say all seems well been for a few short drives got it up to temp sat in some traffic gave it a boot full.

no dramas only 2 bolts left over buggerd if i can see where they go will wait n see if anything falls off