West Yorkshire Laning Trips

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Does anybody fancy going to the Donington 4X4 show, i think it is feb 16th so we could all look at **** we can't afford :jaw::):)
Does anybody fancy going to the Donington 4X4 show, i think it is feb 16th so we could all look at **** we can't afford :jaw::):)

I'll go, where is it, if its a long way I might go in the car instead of the Landy :D:D

It has a better heater
sounds expensive going by the talk in the linky :eek:

and I don't really do "window shopping";)

:p:p Sounds like they have plenty of bling :D:D:D

I still like the idea of a day out. Plenty of seats spare if I take my car too :D:D Anyone want a lift
OK, we are going to Derbyshire on the 26th

200 is leading this (Zip is away and Neil is fixing his Landy :D)

AndyD90 Possibly, probably, maybe :D
Well I suppose you don't have to come really Neil as you will get to see the bling when your fitting to Sue's motor:D:D
Well I suppose you don't have to come really Neil as you will get to see the bling when your fitting to Sue's motor:D:D

:eek::eek: There is no bling on my motor, tis all useful stuff :D:D:D

Just Neil thought it would be bling when I bought it, he didn't expect me to actually use it :rolleyes::rolleyes: