Better get this boxed off
Will try to post things chronologically:
Bought a quick strop off Gwyn Lewis
Painted the inside of the shell/roof area Matt black
Bought a couple more snatch blocks for more complex rigs
Fitted an elastic net to keep the winchmans gear to hand
Built a shelf to keep sleeping bags/dry clothes etc high and dry
Can't really see it in this ****e picture
Can see it better here, also houses speakers
Fitted x lites to the rear for visibility in the forest etc
They work
Fitted a nice net up top for more goodies
Upped air system pressure to 150psi but then locker solenoids leaked so fitted a reg to drop them to 100psi
Here's the shelf in action also with rear interior light fitted
Got skanked 100 for this from QT, thanks guys
Had an led work light in the rear for a while switched at the front but using that circuit for x lites now
Also fitted some dim lights for bedtime
These needed a 2 way switch
which needed a little bracket
Painted my tatty lower shelf black
Laptop died and it's decided iPad the future so bought one and redesigned the dashboard, frees up space for future terratrip and co driver controls on passenger side, watch this space
Andy Thomlinson from plasma/Ruftraks (top guy) sent me a plasma lock
Which is ####ing handy cos I went off roading the day before it arrived and did a load of damage mainly boring stuff but the biggest deal is I snapped my winch rope
****but that's abother story, got some grill work to do also soon****
Also ripped the doors some more
So more trimming was done
took more door out
And also took material out of the arches to make more room for the, urm, chunky pitbulls
That's all for now chums